He’s become increasingly anti-Catholic and our discussions became heated arguments. Just like Scott Hahn (in the book Rome Sweet Home–if you haven’t read it it will help you women!) it came to the point when discussing was no longer discussing. I couldn’t and still can’t convince him of anything.
Let go and Let God do the convincing. I can’t convince my DH of anything either, but God will, eventually. When this happens to us, and he gets mad, I stop and pray for the Holy Spirit to come and take my words away and make my words not mine but God’s. Sometimes, nothing comes out of my moutn. It’s a miraculous prayer actually. It always works.
I kinda have to stop listening for a while and think of his anger as the voice of Satan, trying to keep his cloud over my DH’s heart. I don’t let this anger me, because I know that Jesus eventually and always prevail.
Through Spiritual Direction for the past 1 1/2 yrs, I have been advised to love him. Charity. Charity. Charity.
Charity is loving selflessly. Charity is seeing your DH as poor in spirit, in Faith, and taking pity and compassion for his plight. Holding him spiritually in love, showing him gently through example, through that love, that no matter what he says or does, you love him, and forgive him b/c he “knows not what [he] does”.
I can tell you it’s very hard because many hard words have been spoken and he’s very resentful because I take the children to church with me.
Jesus’ cross is hard to carry isn’t it? When it’s hard for me I pray a prayer of thanksgiving for giving me this cross in my life to bear, bringing me closer to Him.
However, I believe love conquers everything. I must persist and keep asking for the grace to love him. I also must ask the Holy Spirit for the grace of perseverance.
Discouragement and hopelessness can overwhelm me sometimes.
Been there!
God has to be hearing our prayers. I know He is. I don’t understand why He doesn’t answer me but now I’m asking our Holy Mother to make haste! Of course I believe she’s also telling Jesus my requests.
Don’t be discouraged. Be quiet, ask the HS to give you the strength to be still and listen for God’s voice. He speaks to me through circumstance. When we got home from Mass tonight, I flipped on EWTN and Mother Angelica Classics Live was on and she was talking about the gift of Confession! Not just a coincidence, God speaking to us through Mother Angelica!
I’m not sure about what lessons God is teaching me but I think one of them is that I have no power to convict Him of the truth. My words may have planted some seeds but I am absolutely powerless to do anything with His heart. The Holy Spirit can do anything, though.
Yip! Let it!
Also, I pray the chaplet to St. Monica (sometimes) and I’ve forgotten about that noven to her, but that’s good, too.
God Bless you and your family Deanna! St. Monica will not fail you!
Novena To Saint Monica
Exemplary Mother of the Great Augustine,
You perserveringly pursued your wayward son
Not with wild threats
But with prayerful cries to heaven.
Intercede for all mothers in our day
So that they may learn
To draw their children to God.
Teach them how to remain
Close to their children,
Even the prodigal sons and daughters
Who have sadly gone astray.
Dear St Monica, troubled wife and mother,
Many sorrows pierced your heart
During your lifetime.
Yet you never despaired or lost faith.
With confidence, persistence and profound faith,
You prayed daily for the conversion
Of your beloved husband, Patricius
And your beloved son, Augustine.
Grant me that same fortitude,
Patience and trust in the Lord.
Intercede for me, dear St. Monica,
That God may favorably hear my plea
Deanna’'s Family and all those on this forum thread
And grant me the grace
To accept his will in all things,
Through Jesus Christ, our Lord,
In the unity of the Holy Spirit,
One God forever and ever. Amen.