Welcome! We are always happy to have new people join! The more the better! In this thread we at times do Novenas together. It is a really awesome thread since everyone is so supportive!I was very happy to see this thread. My husband was born a Baptist, but non practicing today.
I too am a Catholic convert of 2 years now and pray for the conversion of my husband.
I would love to see a prayer group where we pray weekly/daily (much like praying4baby group) St. Monica as the patroness saint of this thread is a good idea.
Please check out the website I included below to see if we can adopt any of their ideas.
I have personal experience with praying4baby. I submitted my daughter and son-in-laws name for intercession and prayers, and prayers were answered. This group prays to St. Gerard and to Infant Jesus. They are a non-catholic group, whose countless prayers have been answered. Wonder how many converts we have in that group!
PRAYING4ABABY.COM http://praying4ababy.com/
Again, I am interested in your idea of group prayers for the conversion of our husbands.
God Bless you. And may our Lord hear and answer your prayers for your husband!