I’m praying for you Shawna, this must be such a difficult situation for you. I hope you two can work things out together. God bless!Hello all,
This thread is the perfect spot for me. I am a fairly recent convert to Catholicism and I am with a non-Catholic. My story is as follows:
I married a man that is agnostic. We married at a time in our lives that were chaotic and and out of control. I became involved in the Church and began attending RCIA, knowing that because we’d both been married previously - without annulments - that I’d not be able to receive the Eucharist or be in the Church. I accepted that.
We eventually separated and during that time I entered the Church. Not long after, we divorced. Things were going along alright - I was in the Church - but I missed him terribly and my life was just out of synch. I eventually decided to apologize to him for how things went in our marriage - and hoped that we could have a friendship - hoped to repair some of the damage.
Well, we haven’t stopped talking… We have reconciled. That is a good thing, however, we are not married and now I am back at square one… I cannot receive communion and he will not get his previous marriage annuled so that we can get married in the church.
I am praying - please pray for him and for us. I want us to both be in the Church, fully.