Yessisan, I am very sorry to hear that your husband has had a change of mind. I will pray to St. Monica for your DH.
I completely understand what you mean by the part of your message that I put in bold. I really don’t understand how people can be swept away into another religion before getting to know their own. I have family and friends that have done the same. I pray to St. Monica for them too. I pray to St. Monica for my DH too because even though he is a cradle Catholic, he is lukewarm. He doesn’t get as excited about our faith as I wish he would. I love being Catholic!

I pray to St. Monica and St. Rita for him all the time.
I will keep your DH in my prayers that he will come back home to the faith and see how important it is for you two to raise your kids Catholic. I pray also that he sees that God is not punishing him or you with losing the baby. God is a loving God, and he would not do something like that. If anything, I think God would want to see your husband back in the Catholic faith since the Catholic Church is the One True Church established by Jesus. But even then, God is not going to punish your DH for not being in the Catholic Church because God loves him so much that he is not going to force your DH to do anything. God wants your husband to have free will and to chose to come home to the faith by his own free will.
Praying for your DH to have understanding of this.
If you could pray for my DH too, I would truly appreciate it.
Blessings to you.