How are you feeling?
Better, thanks!

Everybody has down-in-the-dumps days sometimes, you know? But it’s Friday, and we’re going to my parents’ tonight and seeing my youngest sibling in her final high school play tomorrow night, so it should be a great weekend with the family. I’m only 7 hours and 24 minutes away from getting out of here and going home!

(by getting out of here I mean getting out of work…my sadness the other day (and daily) was b/c I long with my entire being to be home with my DD but for financial reasons I have to work.

It’s tough.)
Novena, day 2 of thanks:
Dear St. Monica,
troubled wife and mother,
many sorrows pierced your heart during your lifetime.
Yet, you never despaired or lost faith.
With confidence, persistence, and profound faith,
you prayed daily for the conversion
of your beloved husband, Patricius,
and your beloved son, Augustine;
your prayers were answered.
Grant me that same fortitude, patience,
and trust in the Lord.
Intercede for me, dear St. Monica,
that God may favorably hear my plea for:
the conversion of my husband, the strong Catholic faith of our daughter,
the perpetual sobriety of my father and the renewal of my parents’ marriage,
and for all the marriages and families represented in this thread
and grant me the grace to accept His Will in all things,
through Jesus Christ, our Lord,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.
Lord, I commend all husbands and wives
represented in this thread to you this day,
That you would raise us up to be men and
women after your own heart.
That you would cause us to grow in wisdom and
in knowledge of you and that these husbands
become holy and spiritual heads of these homes,
and that these wives become and remain vessels
that shine your light continuously.
Keep us all obedient to your will and humble
in mind and action.