eli1118,Novena day 8
Thanks for the coffee–I needed that.
I included your little one in my Rosary intentions today.
Thank you for your prayers. How are you doing today?
eli1118,Novena day 8
Thanks for the coffee–I needed that.
I included your little one in my Rosary intentions today.
Diana Lynn,Nikki, I’d be honored to pray for your son. Children are so precious, and we have so very much to learn from them! Bless you!
Father, your little one is in need of your divine attention. Watch over Nikki’s son, Your son, Father, as you must have been all along. It was You that helped him when he struggled to hear, as it will always be You to help him through all he faces in his lifetime. Thank you Father! In your infinite wisdom, may you guide and direct all the medical staff that will work with Nikki’s little boy over the coming weeks and months, as they attempt, with your Divine grace, to restore his hearing, and correct his speech. May they have your blessings Father! Grant Nikki and her family all that they need to help make this successful Lord, financially, emotionally, and spiritually. May they trust wholeheartedly in you as you trusted in them when you offered them such a blessing in their life.
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women,
And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners,
Now and at the hour of our death.
Nikki, please be kind to yourself. The Good Lord gave us these little ones in our lives because he trusted us to do what we thought was best… it may have been a great deal easier if he gave us an instruction manual, but… everything comes in His time Nikki… I truly believe that God was with your son throughout… I can’t imagine a 5 year old learning how to read lips without some divine intervention…??? He has a plan for your little one my friend, and all that has occurred, may very well be the prep work for that plan to unfold. He is our Father, He knows each and every one of our hearts, Nikki, and all that He does, He does for our greatest good. So, be kind to you, and know that it is all part of a greater plan. :heaven:
Lana,Thank you DL…you express well thought out concern. Actually articulated it better than i did, because i forgot to mention the angel you did. I spent 4 years being missdiagnosed with my little Will. They said the hole in his heart was gone, i must just excercise him more.
The hole was not gone, and it got bigger. Something that could have taken a stich or so. It caused to much speed for the bloodflow into the lungs, and they closed down over the 4 years, and made permanantly dammaged lungs. He was then terminal, with three years to live.
Long story short…but the best part…he lived into a wonderfully bright child, with such a tender love for the lord. Never did he question it, for he flatlined, and was brought by Mother Mary to see Jesus, and they embraced so tenderly. Jesus told this little 4 year old that he had to go back, that he had much to do still.
“Mamma, i did not want to go, he had a strong love magnet pulling me to him…not like my real daddy that does not want to see me all the time…i really liked to be there momma…but i had to come home.”
He NEVER ever doubted or needed proof, and it was what sustained him through his illness. He felt God gave it to him for a reason. If he acomplished life properly, then he’d know why he was ill, and what to do because of it. Everything in life is used for the good…even devistating illness.
In tremendous pain and fatigue a few days before his last trip to Toronto, he said Ma, it is getting so hard, and a tear ran down his face. He begged God for a Coupe da Grace. He explained, if he wanted him home, he would go where God decides, but if he were to stay here, please help him indure this.
My first born, and eternal fofillment of motherhood to me, was gone 5 days latter. He had a peaceful look on his face, and i was completely shocked. A boy doing everything his Lord asked of him…why? He did everything right, he had so much to offer the young community he wanted to eventually teach in.
That same father lived 15 minutes from us, and never attended his own sons funeral…i knew he would not, and the only good thing i felt, while my baby just stopped breathing…
“finally, a father to love him unconditionally!!”
All this because i was scared to question specialists.
Don’t let this happen to you…respectfully, you can assert yourself.
Belle10,So, I know my challenges and struggles aren’t as difficult as some of what many of you have been dealing with, but I could use some encouragement today.I’ve just been pretty down the past few days about a few things and sometimes it’s tough to pull yourself back up you know? I can tell myself all the beautiful things I’d say/pray for all of you, but they’re not really helping, you know?
I truly and most sincerely thank you for your prayers. They are greatly needed, as you can tell. If you have any special needs, I’ll be praying for them as well. I have been, actually. You’re a dear heart to be praying for so many people. God has blessed you tremendously! Much love,
A Rosary would be wonderful!Belle10,
I’m sorry things are rough for you right now. I seem to be drawing a blank on encouraging words, but I will offer a rosary for you today.
Do you mean this one?I leave a small listing of the daily intentions in the car, and i have a rosary ring in the car. I would love it if i could find or buy the cd of the chaplet on it. I love the singing version of it they used to play just before or just at three oclock on Catholic Radio. They since moved it, and i miss this. It was perfect for the drive every day picking up my children.
I miss the “acompanyment” hehe.
**Mom4truth,** I am praying for you, your husband and your family. May God bless you with peace and lift the weight of your cross. I will remember you when I go to the Blessed Sacrament.
Belle, so sorry I missed your post yesterdaySo, I know my challenges and struggles aren’t as difficult as some of what many of you have been dealing with, but I could use some encouragement today.I’ve just been pretty down the past few days about a few things and sometimes it’s tough to pull yourself back up you know? I can tell myself all the beautiful things I’d say/pray for all of you, but they’re not really helping, you know?
Thanks eli! :hug1:Belle,
I will keep you in my thoughts today and remember you tomorrow as I pray the rosary. You are always such a support for me, I can’t imagine you being down. I am here for you…I know God and Mother Mary are there for you too.
You can also get the chaplet (and the Rosary and some additional prayers) on a CD from www.CatholiCity.com. It’s not set to music though, but it’s great! (and it’s free!)I leave a small listing of the daily intentions in the car, and i have a rosary ring in the car. I would love it if i could find or buy the cd of the chaplet on it. I love the singing version of it they used to play just before or just at three oclock on Catholic Radio. They since moved it, and i miss this. It was perfect for the drive every day picking up my children.
I miss the “acompanyment” hehe.
Lana, so sorry for your pain.Well this year i had planned on releasing a great bit of anger i was holding towards someone whom i felt was hurting me from a distance, and flaunting it.
Diana, thank you so much. :hug1:Belle, so sorry I missed your post yesterday But even sorrier to hear your are feeling down. :hug3:
Your sorrow is as saddening to me, as my own, and I pray for you, as you have continually prayed for me.
May this day shine forth new and uplifting blessings upon you Belle, renewing your energies, and granting you hope and joy. Lord, pour forth your love upon Belle, filling her heart with your divine love for her. May she see you in all that she encounters today, the beautiful sunrise, kind words from a stranger, a child’s laughter, the song of spring’s first robins, joyfully reminding us that the harshness of winter is giving way to a new and glorious season! May she feel your love upon her face as she steps out into the sunshine, turning her face up to you in loving admiration. Be with her throughout this day Lord, bringing comfort and peace to her, as she has done so selflessly, for so many others with her kind and thoughtful prayers.
God, bless Belle, with your loving grace, and lift her spirits high, as she offers you thanks and praise for all that you have done, and all you have yet to do! :heaven: