St. Monica pray for us! Praying for our husbands....

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Rammy, thank you for the prayers. My oldest son had this problem, the fluid in his ears was because he had back-to-back ear infections for the first two and half years of his life. When the fluid drained, he learned to speak. This son has never had an ear infection so I was not expecting these problems in him. I pray that his problem is also fluid or something equally simple.

I’m sorry you were having difficulties at Church, I pray you can get a headset soon.

Thank you dear…

The infections backed up into his ear through the eustacian tubes. Inner ear pain and infection all the time.

When the drum like elasticity to the ear drum is concaved due to pressure, this made his hearing less, for the drum bounces the sound waves off of it. Pressure, concave pressure meant no hearing!

Good luck with the assessment.

Stick with the specialist, not the Gp untill everything is better. The GP can not put your son at the top of the line in situations, but the specialist can…utilize this.

Hi Ladies,

I forgot a day so I guess I need to start the novena over.

Can I please ask you ladies for prayers for my son? In addition to having speech issues, it has become obvious that he doesn’t hear well either. Please pray that the cause is easily treatable.

Sorry to bug you ladies but I don’t know many people who would be willing to pray.

Thank you,
This happened to my son…we discovered that with tremendous fluid on his ears so much, that by removing the tonsils, adinoids, and placed tubes in his ears for drainage, the hearing improved, as did his speech.

I will keep him in my prayers.
Nikki, if it does not turn out to be as Rammy’s son’s experience was, make sure you have his heart checked. Hearing problems can be a sign of a heart defect. This is the sort of thing that must be caught early in a child’s life in order for them to correct the problem. My nephew had speech developmental issues, and could barely hear. By the time he was four years old, they discovered he had a heart defect which required surgery. He’s fine now, but he has to wear a hearing aid, and his speech is still not what it could have been if they had addressed the issue earlier rather than later. His younger brother also has some speech issues which he learned from his older brother.

It’s just something that wouldn’t hurt to mention to your doc if it turns out that his ears are physically fine.

Dear St. Monica,
troubled wife and mother,
many sorrows pierced your heart during your lifetime.
Yet, you never despaired or lost faith.
With confidence, persistence, and profound faith,
you prayed daily for the conversion
of your beloved husband, Patricius,
and your beloved son, Augustine;
your prayers were answered.
Grant me that same fortitude, patience,
and trust in the Lord.
Intercede for me, dear St. Monica,
that God may favorably hear my plea for

the conversion of my husband, healing and salvation of our marriage, and the strong faith of our son, the conversion of all sinners in our families and of the spouses being prayed for here by CAF members,**

and grant me the grace to accept His Will in all things,
through Jesus Christ, our Lord,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.


Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.

Jesus, I trust in You!
Jesus, I trust in You!
Jesus, I trust in You!

I am more than happy to pray for your son. I ask our Dear Lord to heal your son of any illness which may/may not be present. In His Divine Mercy, hear our prayer, Lord. Amen.
Novena, day 8:


Dear St. Monica,
troubled wife and mother,
many sorrows pierced your heart during your lifetime.
Yet, you never despaired or lost faith.
With confidence, persistence, and profound faith,
you prayed daily for the conversion
of your beloved husband, Patricius,
and your beloved son, Augustine;
your prayers were answered.
Grant me that same fortitude, patience,
and trust in the Lord.
Intercede for me, dear St. Monica,
that God may favorably hear my plea for:

the conversion of my husband, the strong Catholic faith of our daughter,
the perpetual sobriety of my father and the renewal of my parents’ marriage,
and for all the marriages and families represented in this thread

and grant me the grace to accept His Will in all things,
through Jesus Christ, our Lord,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.

Lord, I commend all husbands and wives
represented in this thread to you this day,
That you would raise us up to be men and
women after your own heart.
That you would cause us to grow in wisdom and
in knowledge of you and that these husbands
become holy and spiritual heads of these homes,
and that these wives become and remain vessels
that shine your light continuously.
Keep us all obedient to your will and humble
in mind and action.
Belle, thank you for the novena info and the prayers. DS will be 5 in May. He is very difficult even for us to understand, and no one outside our family can understand him at all. We have been concerned about the speech for a while and hoped he would outgrow his difficulties, but instead he has gotten worse. And just in this past week, it has become obvious that he doesn’t hear us but actually reads our lips. I should have realized, I am ashamed that I missed it for so long.

I will be praying for your DD. What about her speech concerns you?

Katy, thank you for your prayers also.
Nikki, don’t feel that way. I’m sure you’ve done your best as a mother – but yes, at this point, make sure you get him to some specialists right away. The other ladies have given great advice. 👍 Might I also suggest seeing a speech therapist? I think you can get your kids assessed for free through the county usually, or definitely through the school district. They can help determine if therapy is necessary (aside from any physical issues).

I’m placing you and your family in my heart so when I pray, you’re included even if I forget to mention you specifically. :o I have no proof that this is “OK” but I figure God knows my heart, so if I put you there and lift my heart in prayer, then that works…(by the way, all of you are there 😉 )

Our DD is just over 2 and while she can say a lot of words on their own (though not perfectly yet) she isn’t saying sentences or anything like that. Thankfully my sister-in-law is a speech therapist for preschoolers and she’s said (informally) that she seems fine. DD has been ahead of the game with other things and we can tell she’s extremely intelligent, so I guess maybe I’m just worrying b/c she’s not ahead with this part of development (and I tend to be a worrier! :o )
Novena day 7

I am a bit tired today–just needed to say that:o
I’m with ya! :yawn:

Here you go: :coffee: 😃
God is asking for unwavering trust in Him, I know, just when things looked a little better, my H thinks of another thing to throw at me.
He is talking about property settlement now. I bought my house 15 years ago. He moved in after we married in 2003, we separated 2006. I have paid for everything that has been done/fixed/maintained/renovated and I have no money to give him. I am paying off the mortgage and after the rest of the bills etc.I am left with little. I have no money to give him and cannot sell, as 4 children and I will have nowhere to live.
Now I have to get legal advice.
His name is not on the title or the loan and he only lived here for 3 years and half of that, i was working and he wasn’t.
I feel a little wound up and scared now., but I am sure he is just using anything to try to get at me… such is life!

Prayers for everyone here.For your children and husbands.
How are you doing today Mom?
God bless everyone!
God is asking for unwavering trust in Him, I know, just when things looked a little better, my H thinks of another thing to throw at me.
He is talking about property settlement now. I bought my house 15 years ago. He moved in after we married in 2003, we separated 2006. I have paid for everything that has been done/fixed/maintained/renovated and I have no money to give him. I am paying off the mortgage and after the rest of the bills etc.I am left with little. I have no money to give him and cannot sell, as 4 children and I will have nowhere to live.
Now I have to get legal advice.
His name is not on the title or the loan and he only lived here for 3 years and half of that, i was working and he wasn’t.
I feel a little wound up and scared now., but I am sure he is just using anything to try to get at me… such is life!

Prayers for everyone here.For your children and husbands.
How are you doing today Mom?
God bless everyone!

So sorry. 😦

Get a lawyer right now.

Keep praying and placing your trust in God. He will not abandon you.

Praying for your family now. :crossrc: :hug1:
Don’t beat yourself up hun…you did your best where resources were smaller. Tis not a sin if you were not aware. If the encouragement of a hearing specialist can find anything, than you are indeed very lucky. He must hear some thing, to read lips sounds impossible without some background on things and people.

Mine was 4 before they discovered it enough to help. Go the route of an EYE-EAR, NOSE and Throat specialist. My son was a combination of a few things. Aparently with spinabiffita in the family, my sons hangy ball in the back of his throat was divided into two of them. We thought nothing of this…untill.

He was checked out, and as it turned out, the tunnel going from his back of the ear that drains into the back of the throat was EXTREMELY small. So the least bit of infection with his tonsils, the germ went up and behind the ear causeing pressure enough to burst the drum outwards more than once. PAINFUL screams will be the clue to this, as he holds his head in the fetal position!

We had to put drops into his ears, and try cupping the area with the finger to force the drops down the tube untill he nearly jumped out of his seat from the disgusting taste. That was how we knew they drops were through.

He was placed on anti-biotics to keep this from re-ocuring, and he was booked for surgery to remove the tonsils, adinoids, and put tubes into his ears!

It was immediately amazing…what’s that mamma…A froggy…really mamma, they are loud!

Latter when a teen, he was covered for full braces due to the complications, even minute, and similar to cleft pallet care. Toronto Sick Kids covered everything!!! 6 grand! This was music to our ears as strugaling farmers in the Niagara Region.

Remember, don’t waste time, he needs the acumulation of the eye/ear/nose/and throat doctor, not just a GP.

Wow, it sounds like your son went through a lot!

I did some phoning yesterday, and it seems that where I live (in Canada), I have to take him to the public health nurse first for a basic hearing test. If she feels there is a problem, she gives us a referral to an audiologist for more in depth assessment and treatment. I’m not really sure what an audiologist is, is that an ear/nose/throat specialist?

There is about a month long wait to see the health nurse, so I think I will use that time to take him to our family doctor to see if there is any obvious physical problem. Maybe if she finds something, she can get us in to the specialist a little sooner. DS starts kindergarten in September and I really want him hearing and speaking clearly by then, if possible.

Thank you for your support and prayers.

Nikki, if it does not turn out to be as Rammy’s son’s experience was, make sure you have his heart checked. Hearing problems can be a sign of a heart defect. This is the sort of thing that must be caught early in a child’s life in order for them to correct the problem. My nephew had speech developmental issues, and could barely hear. By the time he was four years old, they discovered he had a heart defect which required surgery. He’s fine now, but he has to wear a hearing aid, and his speech is still not what it could have been if they had addressed the issue earlier rather than later. His younger brother also has some speech issues which he learned from his older brother.

It’s just something that wouldn’t hurt to mention to your doc if it turns out that his ears are physically fine.
Bee Sweet,

I had no idea that there was a link between hearing difficulties and heart problems. Thank you for letting me know. I will definitely be bringing this up with the doctor when we go.


I am more than happy to pray for your son. I ask our Dear Lord to heal your son of any illness which may/may not be present. In His Divine Mercy, hear our prayer, Lord. Amen.

Thank you so much for your prayers.

How are you doing today? You have been in my prayers also.


Still praying! Regarding me, I’m hanging in there. Had a talk with dh last night and he said he thinks I’m not doing everything I can to make him happy. I don’t put him first. Well, that’s not true. I do my very best each day. If I didn’t, I’d be too ashamed to have to answer to God for that. But he doesn’t believe me. He is still in the dark and very lost. Please keep praying for him. I’m praying for your needs as well. God bless you today and each day. You will be in my rosaries!
Nikki, don’t feel that way. I’m sure you’ve done your best as a mother – but yes, at this point, make sure you get him to some specialists right away. The other ladies have given great advice. 👍 Might I also suggest seeing a speech therapist? I think you can get your kids assessed for free through the county usually, or definitely through the school district. They can help determine if therapy is necessary (aside from any physical issues).

I’m placing you and your family in my heart so when I pray, you’re included even if I forget to mention you specifically. :o I have no proof that this is “OK” but I figure God knows my heart, so if I put you there and lift my heart in prayer, then that works…(by the way, all of you are there 😉 )

Our DD is just over 2 and while she can say a lot of words on their own (though not perfectly yet) she isn’t saying sentences or anything like that. Thankfully my sister-in-law is a speech therapist for preschoolers and she’s said (informally) that she seems fine. DD has been ahead of the game with other things and we can tell she’s extremely intelligent, so I guess maybe I’m just worrying b/c she’s not ahead with this part of development (and I tend to be a worrier! :o )

Thank you so much for your prayers.

I have been in contact with the speech therapist (which is free, thankfully). I have had appointments for him twice but had to cancel both because my oldest was sick. I am going to keep trying. She also sees kids in the schools, so if he still needs her help in September he can see her there.

I think it is normal not to be saying sentences at just over two. One of the boys I babysit is that age and he only says one or two words together, no sentences. My third son, who is almost three, has just started in the last couple of months. So I would say she’s right on track.

Your fellow worrier,
God is asking for unwavering trust in Him, I know, just when things looked a little better, my H thinks of another thing to throw at me.
He is talking about property settlement now. I bought my house 15 years ago. He moved in after we married in 2003, we separated 2006. I have paid for everything that has been done/fixed/maintained/renovated and I have no money to give him. I am paying off the mortgage and after the rest of the bills etc.I am left with little. I have no money to give him and cannot sell, as 4 children and I will have nowhere to live.
Now I have to get legal advice.
His name is not on the title or the loan and he only lived here for 3 years and half of that, i was working and he wasn’t.
I feel a little wound up and scared now., but I am sure he is just using anything to try to get at me… such is life!

Prayers for everyone here.For your children and husbands.
How are you doing today Mom?
God bless everyone!

I have no advice to offer, but I am sending up prayers for you and your husband.

Just wanted to say Hi to all. Just returned to work from Maternity Leave. Child number five Ella Rose is doing fine but mom has her crying spells. I wish I did not have to work but I have the health insurance and we need to pay bills. My husband did come to church with the family at Ella’s baptism and for Easter but that is all. DH did go through with a vasectomy so sad to say this is our last little one unless God has different plans:)
Wow, it sounds like your son went through a lot!

I did some phoning yesterday, and it seems that where I live (in Canada), I have to take him to the public health nurse first for a basic hearing test. If she feels there is a problem, she gives us a referral to an audiologist for more in depth assessment and treatment. I’m not really sure what an audiologist is, is that an ear/nose/throat specialist?

There is about a month long wait to see the health nurse, so I think I will use that time to take him to our family doctor to see if there is any obvious physical problem. Maybe if she finds something, she can get us in to the specialist a little sooner. DS starts kindergarten in September and I really want him hearing and speaking clearly by then, if possible.

Thank you for your support and prayers.

Look up the best specialist in the book, and then make an apointment with your GP. Explain the waiting list, and tell him you want to be refered to … specialist so in so.

This way there are fewer steps, less cost and paperwork.

You know something is wrong, so let the GP send you to the one you want.


I learned to trust my gut, and make it happen. I ended up with a terminally ill child for 12 years followed by his death near age 19 because i believed, against my gut feeling, that the doctor must know more than i do.

He has no one if he does not have you. You are his eyes or ears. God has intrusted him over to your care…assert these rights peacefully!

But firmly!

God bless.
I think it is normal not to be saying sentences at just over two. One of the boys I babysit is that age and he only says one or two words together, no sentences. My third son, who is almost three, has just started in the last couple of months. So I would say she’s right on track.

Your fellow worrier,
Thanks for the reassurance, my fellow worrier! 😛 Guess we need to work on our trusting God, huh? :o
Just wanted to say Hi to all. Just returned to work from Maternity Leave. Child number five Ella Rose is doing fine but mom has her crying spells. I wish I did not have to work but I have the health insurance and we need to pay bills. My husband did come to church with the family at Ella’s baptism and for Easter but that is all. DH did go through with a vasectomy so sad to say this is our last little one unless God has different plans:)
mnmom, I know your pain, and I’m so sorry. I go through it daily myself. :crying: Our insurance is through my job, and DH is still looking for a job, so it’s all on me right now. 😦

Sorry this will be your last little one, but you never know what God has planned. 😉 By the way, I love the name Ella! It was among our choices for DD, though we went with something else. I’m hoping for another girl someday so we can use it. 😃
I learned to trust my gut, and make it happen. I ended up with a terminally ill child for 12 years followed by his death near age 19 because i believed, against my gut feeling, that the doctor must know more than i do.

He has no one if he does not have you. You are his eyes or ears. God has intrusted him over to your care…assert these rights peacefully!

But firmly!

God bless.
Lana, so sorry for your loss. May God bring you peace and comfort. :hug1:
Look up the best specialist in the book, and then make an apointment with your GP. Explain the waiting list, and tell him you want to be refered to … specialist so in so.

This way there are fewer steps, less cost and paperwork.

You know something is wrong, so let the GP send you to the one you want.


I learned to trust my gut, and make it happen. I ended up with a terminally ill child for 12 years followed by his death near age 19 because i believed, against my gut feeling, that the doctor must know more than i do.

He has no one if he does not have you. You are his eyes or ears. God has intrusted him over to your care…assert these rights peacefully!

But firmly!

God bless.

Thank you for sharing this. I am so sorry for your loss.

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