Very important note here…If it must be, and there might be issues of her blameing him for things, request he file first and list his reasons for care in visitation. This leaves her in a situation of not fleeing, but having to answer to HIS aligations.After some outrageous actions by his wife, my son has sorrowfully decided he must file for divorce. I truly don’t know what is the matter with her, but there seems no alternative. It is the end of his dream of a family all together, sharing life. It will be hardest on the children, esp. since a significant number of counselors, etc. seem to automatically believe the absolute worst of any man.All he has done is try to be the best husband and father he could. No one can understand her behavior, or why she is acting this way.
In my divorce, it was the other way around. We fled, and ran from beatings, etc. BUT HE filed, he expressed i was keeping my son from him, and i never ever got a footing in the 7 years it took to get my divorce.
File, and list reasons, and then SHE has to prove otherwise. Scarry, but it is the way the courst rule. Presedence is everything. If you spend certain time with them now, and do want to keep a normalcy in their lives, then say so. Never come on the side of attacking the mother, and always side on what is best for the children…it goes a long long way. Respect of the courst are what clearly is needed. It then becomes the voice of REASON.
Praying for him…kids come first here.