This May will be the one year anniversary of my husbands’ communion and confirmation. He comes from a non traditional catholic family, was baptised and that was about it, because mom was young and making all the wrong decitions. Grandma took him to mass and rosaries sometimes, but with a group of other grandmas

and no other children, so church for him became this negative childhood memory that gave him the creeps. Later in life he picked up, adultered information about the faith and i all became a mess in his head. He did agree to get married by the church and receive the sacraments, but after getting prepared our priest messed up and forgot to call him. The bishop had agreed to come to the church and give the sacraments to a couple of adult converts in the middle of the summer, including my husband. Well when the priest called, it was to tell us he had missed calling us and the bishop had already come. I freaked out because the wedding was weeks away, but the bishop gave the priest a dispense and we were married without him being confirmed. Our wedding did not include mass, so he did not receive communion that day, even though he was prepared. He was sooo dissapointed by the whole ordeal, that he did not want to go receive communion and was not going to the confirmation on the next spring. Well many springs passed, he did go to mass with me sometimes but no sacraments and we did have our arguements about the topic. I prayed and prayed for his conversion, to Saint Monica, Saint Rita and Mother Teresa of Calcuta. Then one day, out of the blue he invited me to Barnes and Noble, he wanted to buy a book on the life of Mother Teresa

. I did not say a thing, I was afraid to ruin whatever the Lord was doing. A few days later he told me that Mother Teresa came to him in a dream and his eyes swelled with tears. He did not explain the dream and I did not ask, I just stepped out of the way, from there he went to mass every sunday, then talked to the priest himself, went to classes every friday morning after working the night shift. The day of his communion I went like walking on air, all of our friends went. It was like the “event of the decade for us”, we were seeing a conversion within our own circle. God be praised, He does miracles! Just pray, be patient and sometimes…get out of the way and let the Lord work. You just have faith. If it happened to us, it can happen to all of you. Be loving and the best example, just like Saint Monica and Saint Rita.