Anywhere there are human beings, there will be sinners. And wherever there are sinners, there will be sin and Satan grinning. Satan hates Jesus and His followers, and selfishly wants to take as many away from God as he can. As Christians, we have targets on our backs and our clergy have even bigger targets. What extra nice trophies over Satan’s mantle to hell must be the souls of our priests, bishops and popes.
And what did I do to give aid to our clergy? Maybe if I had prayed more. Maybe one more prayer might have given one of these fallen priests a little more strength to do the right thing. Maybe one more Rosary would have given a bishop more strength to do the right thing. Maybe nothing would have changed, but I know prayer works, so maybe more prayer on my part would have helped. I must take responsibility too for what happens in our church. If one of our members has a problem, we all have a problem.
When Jesus turned over His church to a human, Peter, He knew He would always have to be there to guide it because we humans always mess up if left to ourselves. We have had bad Popes, Cardinals Bishops, Priests, and we members before, and the church Jesus left us still goes on. The Catholic Church is my spiritual family, and I will not abandon my family when they hit a rough patch, that is when they need me the most. Jesus Himself did not have an easy life while on earth, so why would His church?