I went to bed last night after not quite finished reading about “the latest bombshell.” Went to mass this morning with a confused and heavy heart. The readings so pointed to the situation: in place of sacrifice and laying down their lives for her,
I sat behind a family of six, the children ranging from 8 to 18, the boy was confirmed earlier this year, the youngest is to receive her first communion this week.
At the sign of peace, I noticed the father hugged each one with unusual tenderness for this routine liturgical gesture. Later, his action became clear, as he stood up right before the final blessing, looked around at everyone, saying “My heart was broken this morning, … “ I knew immediately that he was referring to “the latest bombshell.”
Driving home, shedding tears and sobs, the sun seemed to come through. I had personally offered the mass for the Pope, bishops and priests, for true repentance, penitence and reparation. This is Jesus’ Church, the Bride of Christ. He is faithful, will not abandon her. He will bring beauty out of the ugliness. I trust in Jesus and will not leave.
they have betrayed the bride of Christ.“that she might be holy and without blemish“ (Ephesians 5)
I sat behind a family of six, the children ranging from 8 to 18, the boy was confirmed earlier this year, the youngest is to receive her first communion this week.
At the sign of peace, I noticed the father hugged each one with unusual tenderness for this routine liturgical gesture. Later, his action became clear, as he stood up right before the final blessing, looked around at everyone, saying “My heart was broken this morning, … “ I knew immediately that he was referring to “the latest bombshell.”
He could barely speak through the emotion, but went on to thank our pastor for his faithfulness and to express on our behalf, love and support. We affirmed his words with quiet applause; Father reminded us that the church is holy even as people in the church are sinners, recalling Peter’s response to Jesus when other people turned and went away:“The LORD is close to the brokenhearted” (Psalm 34)
I and many others stopped to thank this upright man, this courageous husband and father, for opening up what was held in our own hearts.“Master, to whom shall we go?” (John 6)
Driving home, shedding tears and sobs, the sun seemed to come through. I had personally offered the mass for the Pope, bishops and priests, for true repentance, penitence and reparation. This is Jesus’ Church, the Bride of Christ. He is faithful, will not abandon her. He will bring beauty out of the ugliness. I trust in Jesus and will not leave.
“As for me and my household, we will serve the LORD” (Joshua 24)
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