I think there is definitely a God. I think there was definitely an angel with me all the way through the bad times. Somebody keeping me safe. I feel very spiritual now. I really believe that God makes my music good and makes me able to deliver it and makes me able to not look or feel fifty. I mean, there has to be some outside help-this can’t all be happening on its own.
~Stevie Nicks, WEGQ FM Eagle 93.7 - May 21, 1998
I am religious. I wasn’t raised in any religion, because we were always moving when I was a kid and didn’t get involved in any church. But I believe there have been angels with me constantly through these last 20 years, or I wouldn’t be alive. I pray a lot. In the last few years I’ve asked for things from God, and he’s given them to me. And there were things I thought were gonna kill me, and he fixed them…I was destroying this gift that God gave me and asked for help. Now I’m happy, even outside my music, and enjoying my life.
~Stevie Nicks, Billboard Magazine, April 18, 1998