All that hassle over wireless application protocol. Cardi B reminds me of a conversation in the late Sir Terry Pratchett’s books where some of his character’s debate the difference between what is erotic and pornographic, one of them makes the point that erotic is using a feather, pornographic is using the whole chicken. Cardi B’s song is dreadful junk, it’s not ‘empowering’ it is just junk. But junk that gets an audience and makes money, sadly.
I will have to say that Maya Rudolph’s one-liner about the country needing a “woman as President” was pretty darn funny!
SNL in recent years has become much more sophisticated, with a far broader range, and more willing to lampoon both sides, than they had been previously. Reminds me of something you’d see on French TV. Their parody of Mitch McConnell, who — charitably putting it — has a unique facial expression and voice, is pure comedy gold.