Stoicism and Mental Struggles hi

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How do you know Christianity is true?
The Resurrection of Jesus. If you can disprove that, then you disprove Christianity. If you can’t, then it happened, then that means the Christianity is correct and the truth. Which then means that the Catholic Church is the one true Church. If you know the Resurrection is true, which you say you have done a lot of study of Catholic Theology, so you then you should know, and you deny it, God will hold you accountable to that. Not to say this to bring fear, but to show that our actions and choices have consequences, even when we don’t want them to. It is just the way it is.

I pray that God will help bring peace to you. I have been through some very difficult times and tribulations in my life, but knowing God is in control has led me to find peace in all the trials, emotions, loneliness, and pain. God will help you, but only if you truly let Him and allow Him to be who He is for you. Surrendering is sometimes the greatest strategy. Give up your anxieties, pain, and fear to Him, and He will take it away. For Scripture says: " Cast all your anxieties on Him for He cares for you." (1 Peter 5:7)
"The more you are afflicted, the more you ought to rejoice, because in the fire of tribulation the soul will become pure gold, worthy to be placed and to shine in the heavenly place. - St. Padre Pio

God bless you for enduring what have and bless you for reaching out on this site. In the end, this thread is a cry for help, and all of us reading and commenting should be praying for you, that you and our Father who art in heaven may find peace together. My biggest recommendation is to find peace and solace in the Passion and Resurrection of Christ first, then reach out to our Lady for her prayers. The Rosary has always been within arms length for times of trouble and times of blessing.

“Hail Mary, full of grace, blessed art thou amongst woman, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and in the hour of death. Amen.”
But, every month? Our family is helpful, but we all have that I’m not going to ask people for too much help all the time type of attitude. My husband has two brothers, so if we ask for help every month, we are cutting into those couple’s times too. I should’ve gotten an outside the family babysitter a long time ago, but we live in a small town where I dont have close connections. And, who knows how our kids would behave?? They fight in ways that would probably be judged by respectful, responsible babysitters as rude. They aren’t horrible, but still not always very respectful. I know, lots of lame excuses. It’s just ah, anxiety all the time as usual.
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I appreciate you taking the time to share this. Blessings to you.
My husband has two brothers, so if we ask for help every month, we are cutting into those couple’s times too.
Offer an exchange. Tell them that you and your husband really want to do date nights, and maybe they would appreciate a date night too.

EtA: or maybe another couple
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Two introverts a good marriage doesn’t make:laughing:😆.
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It worth a try, but I’m telling you both our families think they are burdening people by asking for help so regularly. Maybe I can get my hubs to do it since they’re his brothers😁
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But, every month? Our family is helpful, but we all have that I’m not going to ask people for too much help all the time type of attitude. My husband has two brothers, so if we ask for help every month, we are cutting into those couple’s times too. I should’ve gotten an outside the family babysitter a long time ago, but we live in a small town where I dont have close connections. And, who knows how our kids would behave?? They fight in ways that would probably be judged by respectful, responsible babysitters as rude. They aren’t horrible, but still not always very respectful.
I’m really not sure how having your tubes tied is going to help this situation, though. Even if you can have sex any day you want with no limits, the kids are still not going to bed at a set bedtime, the older kids will be staying up later, etc. and you’ll need childcare. I understand your dilemma but I don’t see how NFP or Catholicism is to blame for it.
I meant more overall, not currently. Current circumstances have evolved to be more complex. We had sex more when kids actually went to bed earlier and at younger ages. But, the idea that someone like myself should’ve discerned better before having this many kids, but I didn’t because I was trying to do the good thing by being open to life and other expectations. I don’t think it is wise for someone like myself to put that many kids through this kind of life. It’s too chaotic and confusing for them. I’m not a good leader or example. But, that’s another tagent. Had I tied my tubes after #2 or 3, my level of depression wouldn’t have been so bad. My husband has only recently understood things enough to know how to help me now. I was not receiving the help I needed until child #4.
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The Resurrection of Jesus. If you can disprove that, then you disprove Christianity. If you can’t, then it happened, then that means the Christianity is correct and the truth. Which then means that the Catholic Church is the one true Church. If you know the Resurrection is true, which you say you have done a lot of study of Catholic Theology, so you then you should know, and you deny it, God will hold you accountable to that. Not to say this to bring fear, but to show that our actions and choices have consequences, even when we don’t want them to. It is just the way it is.
Excellent post, friend. I wish I could it a thousand likes. Blessings to you.
I know the Resurrection is essential to Catholic/Christian theology. There is no proving or disproving it. It’s not possible. Yeah, I am doomed if all you say is true. Love should dispell fear. The church has never dispelled my fears. I mean, I wish it had. It is manipulative to say that if I reject this teaching, I’m doomed. The freedom to choose becomes an illusion. I would be choosing it based on my fear of being wrong. That’s not a very authentic belief. God knows of the whys of my rejecting or accepting any of the evidence.
because He knows what is beyond what Im capable of accepting as true. If his church is true, provide better evidence than a 2,000 year old book full of misguided, flawed humans that understood lmost nothing about most of reality. They barely understood the weather. I dont hold that against them, but I can hold it against the standards of what we know now. It’s a nice story with alot of wisdom, but to make it the whole basis of my life…Eh, not an easy choice for me. I still think it’s possible, but not likely true.
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But, the idea that someone like myself should’ve discerned better before having this many kids, but I didn’t because I was trying to do the good thing by being open to life and other expectations.
This type of discernment is encouraged by the Church. Whoever is telling you otherwise is not correct. You were not “required” by the Catholic Church to deliberately have more children than you felt you could handle. You wouldn’t have been “not doing good” by stopping after child number 2 because of your mental health. No, having your tubes tied isn’t allowed, but you can use NFP.

“Open to life” is a tricky term, and many Catholics misunderstand it. We must be open to life in that NFP is not infallible, and we must accept every pregnancy, planned or not. However, that doesn’t mean we have to be deliberately seeking to become pregnant every time we have sex.

A better term is “ordered toward procreation.” Once again, if you need to know what that means, I’ll tell you in a PM.
I agree, We are all works in process and different things may speak to us for our good at different times. We should all respect our individuality and unique journey.
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These are not things readily and freely discussed. The conversation we are having is pretty unheard of for most of my 11+ years as a Catholic. I mean you cant know what you cant know. Sure, I knew NFP was always the option, but that took forever and a day to get the hang of for us. I nursed all my kids till 2.5 out of fear of my fertility. Yes, the constant pro-life, open to children, be a good wife image is the most common and believed perspective. Just now, I’m beginning to see actual men stand up and say abstinence is cool. Trust me, I was lurking on forums and in book after book for ages. This is a new tide turning.
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And, yes, plenty of a-hole believers will tell you, you are a sinner because you are using NFP in a contraceptive mentality and that you’re evil. They are lurking all over and they are disgusting.
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And they’re wrong. Believe me, I have very strong opinions about people who place burdens on faithful Catholics that the Church does not.
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Some of the Saints would probably agree with them. That’s a sad likelihood. Which is why, I admire some of the dedication of these faithful, but so many misguided assumptions and judgments.
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I hadn’t realized before that a lot of the practices of Stoics resemble those of Christianity.
I have not read all the posts in this thread, and I am not sure what Stoicism means, but I think some Stoic values are helpful and compatible with Christianity.

The effort to accept God’s will and the good and bad circumstances of life with equanimity is common to Christianity and Stoicism.
     The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away;  blessed be the name of the Lord! 
     Job 1:21.
Padre Pio. He was pretty much a hard liner about dress, behavior, etc. I don’t think he was very understanding towards women at all. I’m open to being wrong or making assumptions about him. He comes off as a bit of a woman hater from the words I’ve read. I could see him telling a wife to do this or that in order to keep their fragile husbands on the right path. He seems the type. More rebellious talk from me. It’s my flaw.
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