Why should Catholics give the impression that they support a sin that cries out to heaven?If they can, why shouldn’t their fellow Catholics?
Again, I’ll refer to the article I shared:There are Catholics who support all sorts of things and do all sorts of things. Just because a Catholic does something doesn’t mean it’s ok. Pride is entirely homosexual sex-positive. This is not ok for Catholics. You said there are “faithful” Catholics who support it. I would say by virtue of the fact that they support homosexuality, they are not faithful.
I’m not challenging Church teaching here. I’m asking why we’re not listening to actual LGBT Catholics when we attempt to minister to them. This, I think, is a big part of why we’re failing when it comes to this population.Some Catholics say this June has been particularly fraught for L.G.B.T. members of the church, with one bishop tweeting that Pride Month events are harmful for children and the Vatican releasing a document that criticized the very notion of transgender identity. While some Catholics agree with those sentiments, some members of the L.G.B.T. Catholic community say that for them, June is a month during which they can celebrate two parts of their identities that have not always coexisted peacefully.
Take Hilary Howes, the founder of TransCatholic and an advocate for making the church more welcoming to transgender people.
“It’s sometimes as tough to be Catholic within a queer community as it is tough to be queer within a Catholic community,” Ms. Howes said. “When I’m at a Pride event, I wear my Catholicism on my sleeve so people know there are Catholics who support them.” The D.C.-area resident added that during Pride she offers to tell her own stories of transitioning and then converting to Catholicism, to show there is already great diversity within the church.
“You will see so much joy and so much love” during Pride events, Mr. Gothman said. “If the church looked a little more like that, we would all enjoy going to church on Sundays a lot more.”
Sure. But it would be really helpful if we just stuck with this one topic for now instead of bringing abortion into it, as usually happens at some point in most threads.There are people who call themselves faithful Catholics who support abortion’s being legal without restrictions.
So the fact that some support something like this is not necessarily a good indicator for Catholics.
Where in that article did someone say they were “lying” to others about their gender identities?Lying to someone about their ‘gender identity’ is not helping them, for one.
LGBT? That’s where. Lying to people about a sin that cries to Heaven for vengeance is also not helping them.Where in that article did someone say they were “lying” to others about their gender identities?
Please answer this: did you read the article I shared? If so, can you please explain why it’s acceptable to you to ignore actual LGBT Catholics who are discussing their experiences and why Pride Month is important to them as Catholics?What is there for a Catholic to “celebrate” in Pride month? The sinful actions of others? Seeing as how “Pride” in this instance is being used synonymously with support and celebrations homosexual actions, there is no way a Catholic in good faith could celebrate Pride Month. Not celebrating Pride Month isn’t a matter of opinion when it’s very celebration is contrary to Catholic teaching. To support it would be to engage in actions that promote the sins of others which in itself is sinful.
I see. So if we treat someone who identifies as trans with respect by not shouting, “You’re mentally ill!”, we’re lying to them?gracepoole:
LGBT? That’s where. Lying to people about a sin that cries to Heaven for vengeance is also not helping them.Where in that article did someone say they were “lying” to others about their gender identities?
I’m not trying to be disrespectful. But if you haven’t read the article I shared, I don’t have much to say in response to your questions.What’s an LGBT Catholic? I don’t describe my faith by my sins?
Who said anything about shouting at them? Nonetheless, do you really think talking to them calmly and ‘respectfully’ is going to change their minds about what is most probably a mental illness?I see. So if we treat someone who identifies as trans with respect by not shouting, “You’re mentally ill!”, we’re lying to them?
You are aware that the Church has not said that being trans is a sin, right?
What alternative to these two options do you propose?gracepoole:
Who said anything about shouting at them? Nonetheless, do you really think talking to them calmly and ‘respectfully’ is going to change their minds about what is most probably a mental illness?I see. So if we treat someone who identifies as trans with respect by not shouting, “You’re mentally ill!”, we’re lying to them?
You are aware that the Church has not said that being trans is a sin, right?
It has. And again, it has not stated that identifying as trans is a sin.The Church has affirmed that we are created men and women.
Being honest, respectfully. Not entertaining their delusions.What alternative to these two options do you propose?
You already said that “talking to them calmly and ‘respectfully’” isn’t an appropriate option. ??gracepoole:
Being honest, respectfully. Not entertaining their delusions.What alternative to these two options do you propose?
And you knew what I meant. Notice the scare quotes. Listening to their experiences without being honest is a disservice to charity.You already said that “talking to them calmly and ‘respectfully’” isn’t an appropriate option. ??
I’m sorry, I really don’t know what you meant. Where in the article did anyone claim to not present Church teaching to LGBT folks?gracepoole:
And you knew what I meant. Notice the scare quotes. Listening to their experiences without being honest is a disservice to charity.You already said that “talking to them calmly and ‘respectfully’” isn’t an appropriate option. ??