Story: California priest censored, receives venomous responses, death threats, for saying Chtistians should not celebrate pride month

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And gay men and gay women.
Am I wrong?
God created us men and women. The cause of our sexuality is yet to be settled. There is no need to separate men and women into gay and straight etc. Just men and women does the job fine.
Why do you refuse to listen to (not necessarily agree with) faithful Catholics who identify as LGBT?
As soon as sex and lust are involved I’ve observed that logic is thrown to the wind.

Yes, it is rather strange, is it not, that we don’t hear about “accompaniment” and “discernment” when it comes to stealing, embezzling, lying, hating, coveting, murdering, bribing, and so forth. But sexual sins, for some reason, get a special pass. We are told that matters involving sexuality, marriage, and family are much more “complex” and “complicated” than they once were. I think that is mostly nonsense, even allowing for what modern travel, technology, and communication has done to relationships and lifestyles.
As soon as sex and lust are involved I’ve observed that logic is thrown to the wind.

Yes, it is rather strange, is it not, that we don’t hear about “accompaniment” and “discernment” when it comes to stealing, embezzling, lying, hating, coveting, murdering, bribing, and so forth. But sexual sins, for some reason, get a special pass. We are told that matters involving sexuality, marriage, and family are much more “complex” and “complicated” than they once were. I think that is mostly nonsense, even allowing for what modern travel, technology, and communication has done to relationships and lifestyles.
As has been stated multiple times in this thread, being gay is not a sin. Homosexual actions are sinful.

I’m seriously uncomfortable with faithful homosexual Catholics being likened to murderers, thieves, etc. I’m out.
Why do you refuse to listen to (not necessarily agree with) faithful Catholics who identify as LGBT?
Who said I refuse to? Some of my friends do and I listen to them. Doesn’t mean there are not implications of celebrating pride month to the gay community itself. However I tend to draw the line at stories of someone being ‘freed’ of homosexual attraction. I have only so much time…
I think the point is that if you are doing it right you will be hated just as Jesus told us. The op, which the thread has moved away from, is an example. I posted the podcast to give another example.
I don’t really get this:
A few months ago, Mr. Gothman connected with Patrick Weston, and together they launched Vine & Fig, “a space online where Queer Catholics could have our lives affirmed as true, holy, and beautiful,” according to the group’s website.
On the linked About page of Vine and Fig, 4 people are highlighted. Two are men “married” to each other, one is a woman who lives with her “partner,” and one has no mention of any involvement with anyone.

So, I’m sorry, this whole reconciliation of Catholicism with their lifestyles seems specious to me, and I agree with others who say that celebrating one’s sin is not really Catholic, nor is twisting the truth to justify doing so.
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Maybe they’re the one proclaiming Church teaching.
No, they all seem to be doing it:
Vine & Fig is the fruit of many conversations between Patrick Weston, Pat Gothman, and Michael Vazquez. Realizing the need for a space online where Queer Catholics could have our lives affirmed as true, holy, and beautiful, as well as the need for greater community we formed Vine & Fig that we might lean on each other and show the Church the fruitfulness of our lives.
The cause of our sexuality is yet to be settled.
The cause has nothing to do with it. The fact is they have a same sex attraction like heterosexuals have opposite sex attraction. I don’t think they feel they have to be cured.
When all restraints are removed by which men are kept on the narrow path of truth, their nature, which is already inclined to evil, propels them to ruin… Some are so carried away that they contentiously assert that the flock of errors… is sufficiently compensated by the publication of some book which defends religion and truth… Is there any sane man who would say poison ought to be distributed, sold publicly, stored, and even drunk because some antidote is available and those who use it may be snatched from death again and again?
Pope Gregory XVI
He is living the Sermon on the Mount
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I’m not sure I’m understanding you.
First, “faithful LGBT Catholics support it (Price Month).

“Faithful Catholics also have supported abortion rights, women priests, remarriage after divorce without a decree of nullity, same sex marriage, ‘open’ marriage’, fornication, adultery, gun rights, gun confiscation, the police force, defunding the police force, euthanasia, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Colonel Sanders, Chik Fil-e, Taco Bell, Starbucks, free trade, America First, diversity, homogeneity, interracial marriage, capitalism, communism, socialism, anarchy. . .”

The point is that you can find ‘faithful’ (depending on your definition) Catholics who support a whole range of things, some of them legitimate but different options, and some of them totally antithetical to Catholic dogma and doctrine.

Joe and Jane Inthepew, who have 8 children, are vegan, home school their children, have a near invisible carbon footprint, Attend Mass faithfully and tithe, might support “pride month’ out of a wish to appear sensitive to others, and not to ‘enforce’ their ‘personal view’ that homosexual actions —not the ‘inclination’ are wrong. Because they are seen as faithful Catholics through other actions, their support for ‘pride month’ is seen as ‘Faithful Catholics support it, why can’t every Catholic support it too?”

Jim and Kim CulCath, who have 2 children, 5 vehicles, vacation at DisneyWorld yearly, host huge BBQs, duck out of Sat Mass early, never going on Sunday because some like to sleep in and others like sports, haven’t addressed a Catholic topic for years, are squarely determined NOT to support Pride Month because it’s just. . .wrong. They cannot argue or defend their position nearly as well as Joe and Jane. They just know. . .it’s wrong.

Joe and Jane appear the perfect ‘faithful Catholics’; educated, sensitive, etc.

Jim and Kim appear like slapdash cafeteria Catholics, lazy and even ‘ignorant’, just holding onto their ‘prejudices’. Because of their actions in other spheres, Jim and Kim are judged as ‘not faithful’ and so their action in not supporting Pride Month is seen as the action of people who aren’t faithful anyway, so who cares what they do?

But. . . Look at it this way.

Jesus Christ is the Second Person of the Trinity, our Lord and God.

Suppose Joe and Jane can argue—with their well-educated and sensitive tact—that just because we Catholics happen to hold that idea, we really shouldn’t go around talking about it in public, lest we shame the nonCatholic or non-Christian people. Isn’t it better, they say, to talk about how Jesus was a really nice person? That’s something religious and non-religious people agree on, right? Being nice?

Kim and Jim would say, “But the important thing isn’t just that He was nice, it’s that He is God. That’s what makes Him who He is, and ignoring that is making Him ‘less’; it’s disrespectful, it’s not truthful.”

Now which couple is expressing a more truthful Catholic doctrine?
Do we rely on what they are actually saying, or do we applaud—or dismiss-them based on how ‘faithful’ they LOOK?
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I was speaking of those who experience same-sex attraction and remain chaste.
Same situation though; because out of a pile of possibilities presented as celebrations of “pride month’ there is the option of a person with same sex attraction being chaste does not mean that one embraces the entire “Pride month’ scenario.
For example, ‘under the umbrella’ of Gay pride —pride in one’s ‘gayness’, pride in being same-sex attracted, Is not being ‘ashamed’ of those desires, right? Of being proud of the opportunity of acting on those desires? Well, if we are going to say, “It’s OK to celebrate Pride Month because one option of being same sex attracted is to be so and to choose to be chaste’, then it should be an equal option to say, “It’s OK to celebrate Pride Month because one option of being same sex attracted is to be so and to choose to act on that attraction by having sex”

And what proportion of the LGBT world is more likely to celebrate pride by the former? And what by the latter?
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