I’m not sure I’m understanding you.
First, “faithful LGBT Catholics support it (Price Month).
“Faithful Catholics also have supported abortion rights, women priests, remarriage after divorce without a decree of nullity, same sex marriage, ‘open’ marriage’, fornication, adultery, gun rights, gun confiscation, the police force, defunding the police force, euthanasia, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Colonel Sanders, Chik Fil-e, Taco Bell, Starbucks, free trade, America First, diversity, homogeneity, interracial marriage, capitalism, communism, socialism, anarchy. . .”
The point is that you can find ‘faithful’ (depending on your definition) Catholics who support a whole range of things, some of them legitimate but different options, and some of them totally antithetical to Catholic dogma and doctrine.
Joe and Jane Inthepew, who have 8 children, are vegan, home school their children, have a near invisible carbon footprint, Attend Mass faithfully and tithe, might support “pride month’ out of a wish to appear sensitive to others, and not to ‘enforce’ their ‘personal view’ that homosexual actions —not the ‘inclination’ are wrong. Because they are seen as faithful Catholics through other actions, their support for ‘pride month’ is seen as ‘Faithful Catholics support it, why can’t every Catholic support it too?”
Jim and Kim CulCath, who have 2 children, 5 vehicles, vacation at DisneyWorld yearly, host huge BBQs, duck out of Sat Mass early, never going on Sunday because some like to sleep in and others like sports, haven’t addressed a Catholic topic for years, are squarely determined NOT to support Pride Month because it’s just. . .wrong. They cannot argue or defend their position nearly as well as Joe and Jane. They just know. . .it’s wrong.
Joe and Jane appear the perfect ‘faithful Catholics’; educated, sensitive, etc.
Jim and Kim appear like slapdash cafeteria Catholics, lazy and even ‘ignorant’, just holding onto their ‘prejudices’. Because of their actions in other spheres, Jim and Kim are judged as ‘not faithful’ and so their action in not supporting Pride Month is seen as the action of people who aren’t faithful anyway, so who cares what they do?
But. . . Look at it this way.
Jesus Christ is the Second Person of the Trinity, our Lord and God.
Suppose Joe and Jane can argue—with their well-educated and sensitive tact—that just because we Catholics happen to hold that idea, we really shouldn’t go around talking about it in public, lest we shame the nonCatholic or non-Christian people. Isn’t it better, they say, to talk about how Jesus was a really nice person? That’s something religious and non-religious people agree on, right? Being nice?
Kim and Jim would say, “But the important thing isn’t just that He was nice, it’s that He is God. That’s what makes Him who He is, and ignoring that is making Him ‘less’; it’s disrespectful, it’s not truthful.”
Now which couple is expressing a more truthful Catholic doctrine?
Do we rely on what they are actually saying, or do we applaud—or dismiss-them based on how ‘faithful’ they LOOK?