Story: California priest censored, receives venomous responses, death threats, for saying Chtistians should not celebrate pride month

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If someone plans to remain chaste, and they so planned because they were Catholic and viewed such actions as sinful, why would they be celebrating that which tempts them?
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That is precisely what he did. Without any shadow of a doubt.
I’m seriously uncomfortable with faithful homosexual Catholics being likened to murderers, thieves, etc. I’m out.
What the Cardinal said was this: Yes, it is rather strange, is it not, that we don’t hear about “accompaniment” and “discernment” when it comes to stealing, embezzling, lying, hating, coveting, murdering, bribing, and so forth.

Well, we have some sins here that some would say are very serious, and others which might be considered less serious. The Cardinal mentions a range of grave sins and suggests that sexual sins ought to be included among them.

The sins he mentions are grave (what we used to call mortal) sins that most everyone agrees are really bad things to do.

The difference is that we have been conditioned to think that sexual sins are, well, not really that bad, not like really a grave sin, not like those others… (and where have we heard the before?)

But the reality is that the Church has always taught that the sexual sins are really that bad.

Not something we want to hear, of course, especially since most of us at least know someone who suffers from homosexual temptations.
If a Catholic reads what the Catechism says about those with homosexual tendencies, I don’t think they’d be welcome at a gay pride event. That isn’t the message that pride events are communicating.
But if you read the article from America Magazine (even if you disagree with the source), there are faithful LGBT Catholics who support it. If they can, why shouldn’t their fellow Catholics?
Gay - “lighthearted and carefree”
Pride - “a feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one’s own achievements”

Just as I cannot understand how the term “gay” can be misused as it is in this up-side-down culture, so also the term “pride” in “gayness” is only advancing the insanity. How is it rational to be specifically “gay” because one finds oneself with a strong but morally unexpressible desire - and then want to publicly express “pride” in that infirmity? A Cross IS a gift - that is true! - but here the value is being missed entirely.

It is deeply troubling to me that this culture seems to be dancing toward denial of all truth, embracing intentional negations, distortions or inversions of reality itself. It reminds me of the “newthink” or “doublespeak” of Orwell’s future dystopia. Why use costly opium or problematic “religion” to opiate the masses", when clever lies and political pressure are much cheaper?

No, no police are needed! We’ll all just get along! Have a nice day!
And gay men and gay women.
Am I wrong?
The Catechism:
Chastity and homosexuality
2357 Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures. Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained. Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity,<Cf. Gen 191-29; Rom 124-27; 1 Cor 6:10; 1 Tim 1:10> tradition has always declared that “homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.”<CDF, Persona humana 8> They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.

2358 The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God’s will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord’s Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition.

2359 Homosexual persons are called to chastity. By the virtues of self-mastery that teach them inner freedom, at times by the support of disinterested friendship, by prayer and sacramental grace, they can and should gradually and resolutely approach Christian perfection.
Still don’t understand why they would need to identify by that. I have known a few people with a family background that inclined them towards alcoholism. They did not run around identifying themselves as “Alcoholic Catholics”.
Hopefully, @gracepool will respond, since it comes from the article she posted. And also, how she was so insistent on how we all should read it.
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Seriously? WHAT is your fastidious fascination with having the rest of us CELEBRATE Pride Month. One of the definitions of celebrate is to promote. You are not connecting that to celebrate gives scandal.

Celebrate their chastity. But to lump it in with the rest of the sinfulness that is part of pride month is complete nonsense.
Respectfully, please take it down a notch or two when responding to me. I don’t have a “fascination.” I shared that I don’t understand why we’re not listening to self-identified LGBT Catholics re: this thread’s topic. And thus far, the only answer I’ve received is that they lie.
I thought this thread’s topic was about a Catholic priest being harrassed and censored for proclaiming a teaching of Jesus. Something that Catholics should be aware of regarding religious liberty.
The calm, respectful video was flooded with hostile reactions, ranging from replies accusing Esshaki “of hate” to people suggesting with no evidence that he himself was a closeted homosexual (a common trope among a certain subset of LGBT activists), even a since-deleted image that crudely pasted Esshaki’s photo into a gay chat app.

In addition, TikTok temporarily locked Esshaki out of his account, citing unspecified “Community Guideline violations.” Esshaki noted the website’s hypocrisy in doing so while allowing the posts attacking him to continue:
I’m a bit confused, though, about his claim that Catholics can’t support Pride Month.
I think enough people have explained why supporting and celebrating the Pride Month itself is not a thing Catholics (like you) should be doing. You simply do not want to listen. Hence my tone.

You are going to cause scandal, and having a righteous anger for things that promote sinful activities is justified, and people here are trying to convince you to stop but you refuse. That said, I have nothing else to say.
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In my experience if you’re going around saying you’re part of the LGBT community, you’re probably not chaste
That’s me lol.
This thread is pretty depressing already so that’s all I’m going to contribute. Just know that your personal experience doesn’t speak for everyone.
I’m a bit confused, though, about his claim that Catholics can’t support Pride Month.
I think enough people have explained why supporting and celebrating the Pride Month itself is not a thing Catholics (like you) should be doing. You simply do not want to listen. Hence my tone.

You are going to cause scandal, and having a righteous anger for things that promote sinful activities is justified, and people here are trying to convince you to stop but you refuse. That said, I have nothing else to say.
You’re welcome to your ideas — you’re not welcome to scold me for mine. Nor is it appropriate for you to question my faith. I asked a simple question and you refused to answer it. I believe that’s where the discussion ends.
I shared that I don’t understand why we’re not listening to self-identified LGBT Catholics re: this thread’s topic. And thus far, the only answer I’ve received is that they lie.
I didn’t say that.

You ask why we do not. I ask why we should? Why should we listen to people who commit a grave sin and want to celebrate it and get others to accept it on the same level that non-sinful behavior is accepted?
You’ve made the false assumption that all LGBT Catholics are failing to abide by Church teachings.
Still don’t understand why they would need to identify by that. I have known a few people with a family background that inclined them towards alcoholism. They did not run around identifying themselves as “Alcoholic Catholics”.
Alcoholism is a disease, homosexuality is not.
God created all of us. It’s about time we respect each other.
Is there a pro-chastity presence at pride parades?

I’m not messing with you. I’ve never been to a pride parade so I simply don’t know
Alcoholism is a disease, homosexuality is not.
At one time (up until the 1960s) it was considered along the lines of a mental disorder (or whatever clinical term the American Psychiatric Association used (or whatever body it was)).
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