I’ll try to answer your querry by sharing a story I heard years ago.
There was a Jewish man names Abe, who more than anything wanted to win his states Lotto. So every Sabbath he would pray, “Dear god why don’t you hear me, why don’t you answer my pleas?” This went on week after week, year after year. Abe never gave up and just pleading with god.
FInally, god grew tired of Abes pleas. So God spoke to Abe. God said, Abe, I hear you. What is it you want. Abe looked around and could see noone. So god asked again, “abe, what is you want?” Abe replied, " I want to win the lotto, why have you not heard my pleas?’
God replied, “Abe you have to buy a ticket before you can win!”
God is real, and God is really personal. In your case Susan, you lived God’s benolovent love and care for you through a priest, and through the Good Sisters! If you want more of God’s personal love, He’s there in Church waiting for you “to buy your ticket.”