I know for a fact this is not correct. I was so excited and celebrated when our first western (South American like me!!!) pope was revealed to us. For years I supported him. I defended him when the media would “twist his words” or he would “misspeak.” I made excuses for him when people would criticize. I even tried to understand the ways I was spiritually needing to grow so that I could fully understand his ways of doing things. I began to grow weary when it became obvious that he truly was saying things that made no sense, and refusing to clarify points when asked for straight answers. Earlier this year I started to distrust him when it took a member of the C9, Cardinal O’Malley, to publically call him out before he admitted that he knew about the abuses in Chile and that he had heard from the victims. My distrust is steadily growing and I don’t know if or when I can fully trust Pope Francis again. He is making it very hard to trust him and he has done nothing to even attempt to regain anyone’s trust. It hurts me deeply because I rejoiced when he was announced. I took it very personally because I felt like maybe our side of the world would finally be recognized as a Catholic stronghold. Maybe the fact that many of us had a deep trust that was so badly violated, it makes it harder to process. It’s traumatic for many people and they are grieving. They are told they are overreacting, or must have been naive not to know this stuff has always been happening, or only feel this way due to politics/racism/etc, or just plain wrong and bad Catholics. It makes it much harder to process, grieve, heal and move on, and in no way is a damaged relationship going to be repaired in those circumstances. Communication and openness and showing us all that the Vatican is worthy of our trust going forward is what needs to happen.
Please get the idea that if this was some other pope people would feel differently out of your mind because there are a great deal of us who absolutely loved, and STILL love, Pope Francis. Loving him and losing trust can definitely go hand in hand. Ask any mother who has raised a teenager.