Well, judgemental christians spell it h y p o c r i s y.
(psst- remember that you aren’t supposed to do that, only God gets to judge things)
You are mistaken in your understanding of this Christian teaching. We are absolutely supposed to, and even expected, to judge Truth, morality, and sin, as it is described in Scripture and Apostlic Tradition. This discussion is about whether it’s “ok” for a Chrisian to dabble in the occult. Following and believing in the concepts people like Sylvia Brown teach, go against sound Christian doctrine.
It would be hypocritical of us to claim to be Christian and do or believe something that goes against our core beliefs.
We are not permitted to judge the state of another human being’s immortal soul. We aren’t permitted to “play God” by claiming whether someone is in Hell, or to say that God will not forgive them. We are, however, obligated to judge “things” as you say, that are sinful. We are obligated to help a fellow Christian take the eyelash out of their eye, after we get the stake out of our own.
You are certainly allowed to choose what you want to believe, you have the freedom of religion. A Christian cannot serve two masters. We can’t claim to be Christian and yet believe things that go directly against our core beliefs.
The concept of relative morality, relative truth and that sin does not exist, and the fear of “looking bad” by judging sin, is the downfall of our modern society. We are supposed to root out sin in the church starting with ourselves. Judging whether something is a sin is *not *hypocrisy. It would be hypocritical for a Christian to ignore and participate in sinful behavior. Jesus said “He who is without sin throw the first stone”, but he also told the woman to “Go and sin no more.”
If it offends you that Sylvia Brown’s teachings go against sound Christian doctrine that has gone unchanged for 2,000 yrs, (or 5,000 of you include the Old Testament,) then you must have a high regard for Christianity. Christians cannot dabble in the occult, but if you are not Christian, why do you seem to need our approval? Why does it offend you that Sylvia Brown’s teachings go against our religion?