Except we all know marthoma history, it’s not like the marthoma reformation split happened millenia ago - it was about 200 yrs… with British support, it’s not that hard to find unbiased primary sources…I have explained these to clear your mind if want to listen and understand.
Moreover being a Mar Thomite my explanation on our position should not be discarded to hold on to your one way perception and conclusions about us. It will be as silly like muslims accisinging the christians for worshipping 3 different Gods while Christians try to explain them that it is the one and only Almighty God manifested in Holy Trinity - for an example.
It isn’t my view or your view, I am stating to you the Catholic and Orthodox position on Marthoma lineage - you can argue your case to an Ecumenical Council or the holy Fathers of the Church.It is not magic ‘the laying of hand’. You certainly need to peer through the line of Marthomites with more open mind. You will definitely find it if you really want to see it. Prejudice doesn’t help. Mar Thomites apostolic line has been discussed in my previous posts. So it does not need to be explained again. You can refer to it or do a fresh research on it.
That’s fine, but we don’t have to accept it simply because you are marthomite.The whole purpose of my write up was only to help the person who had posted the original query – So that she can listen to the other side of the story from a Mar Thomite.
You are not Catholic Christians, whats wrong with trying to convert him if she feels that Catholicism is Christianity in its fullness?I have advised that it is better to marry from the same church and to avoid possible conflicts. If the church is of greater importance to the her, then she should have opted for a boy of her own church. But not date a Mar Thomite boy and try to change the boy to her church by converting him to catholic faith as if we are not Christians.
I don’t know any Marthomites that know marthoma theology, accept it fully, and are committed to their church - most, in the US at least, attend evangelical and non-denominational churches whenever possible, have no allegiance to Marthoma church, or really know it’s teachings (if there are any definitive teachings).Any self respecting Marthomite boy would resist it, unless he want to sacrifice his dignity for his love to the girl.
Its not derogatory. The Anglican church is divided among low, high, and broad church. Low is evangelical, they hate the smells and bells, and some of their ministers prefer not to be called father, etc - they do not pray to saints or the deceased (for the most part) - e.g. CSI/CNI -look up the “Sydney Anglicans”, highchurch looks almost Catholic - see the Church of England… broad is similar to Episcopal Church (USA). The low-church missionaries are ones who came to Kerala and split the Malankara non-Catholic church into factions.I don’t know what you mean by ‘low-church Anglicans’. Is it a derogatory term? May be you can give me an insight to that.