Should the owner pay the $7.25 per hour, pay more taking into account the needs of the worker, and ignoring their well-being, or not hire anyone?
I’ll give you an example. I worked in a retails setting for minimum wage. The corporation kept a close eye on labor costs. I received NO benefits at this job, just my wage. The store manager received a bonus if they cut labor costs.
There were days when the store was SLAMMED full. It was a tourist area and during the season we were very busy. Remember, I’m being paid 7.25 per hour. They make that profit selling one sweatshirt.
If I am working, putting stock on the shelves and keeping all sizes of t-shirts and sweatshirts stocked, they will sell more product. People like to find a style they like, grab it in their size and go. If their size isn’t on the rack, they don’t buy.
My manager would send me home to save 7.25 per hour, even though having me there would likely result in many more times that profit per hour. All they cared about was getting their bonus for cutting labor, even though they LOST more money by not having the racks and shelves stocked.
Of course, those of us sent home early got a smaller paycheck, never saw a penny of any bonus the store received, and the people they didn’t send home are doing the jobs of two or three people trying to keep up.
So, back to the donut store…having a clerk there for 15.00 an hour allows the store to do far more business. Yes, I think that it’s very likely that the store will make 7.75 more per hour selling donuts and coffee to make up for the extra cost in wage. The worker generates enough extra income that it’s worth it to pay to have them there.
That’s how business runs…it hires workers to keep up with the demand, and the demand pays for the workers. If there isn’t a demand, you don’t need extra workers.
If the donut shop can’t afford to pay a worker, then it’s not doing enough business to hire a worker. Supply and demand operate on BOTH sides of the business. Maybe they can only afford a part time worker during the busiest hours.
I had a job where I was making $12 an hour. Then the busy season hit and they needed me to work more hours because they were going to be having day camp for kids and needed more workers. So they thought they would drop my wage down to $10.50 per hour, so they could keep labor costs down…while my work would be generating more income for them, much more than what it would cost for them to pay me my agreed upon wage of $12. They thought that it would be ok, since they would have me work more hours and my paycheck would remain the same.
They thought that it was just fine to have me work more hours for the same pay…since hey, my paycheck wouldn’t change so why should I complain? They make more money, from MY work, and pay me less per hour and then tell me it’s just good business practice. I told them if they can’t afford to pay me, then I can’t afford to work there. My boss told me I was high maintenance.