Realize that most of his shows have become vehicles for false narratives that build on gossip and fake news. For example, he goes on about the “pachamama” in the Vatican gardens and builds all sorts of false slanderous narrative which then spread on the Internet with others feeding off each other and leading Catholics and non Catholics alike to distrust and suspect the pope. Lifesite’s John Henry Westen, Taylor Marshall and others showed clips of the natives in the Vatican Gardens bowing around the traditional mandala with native symbols of life in the Amazonia. That event was built into the false accusation that they were worshipping pagan idols, which then grew into narratives of enthroning demons, and the pope endorsing earth worship etc.
In reality, the natives were Catholics and were praising God for the gift of His creation. The native lady leading the group looks up and praises God and then they all bow. That video clip was cut short to make it look as if they were bowing down to the wooden statues, which was the false narrative.
The natives were invited to come to the Vatican in the wake of the pope’s visit to the Amazonia, where he exhorted them to hold fast to the Catholic Faith in the face of the aggressive push by organizations that promote what the pope calls “ideological colonizations” that destroy the family and cultures through ideologies masquerading as progress, i.e. abortion, Contraception, gender theory, and all the ideologies that have poisoned western culture.
The internet and YouTube talking heads Like Marshall ran with clips slandering them as if the natives were pagans invited to worship their false idols in the Vatican. To this day Taylor Marshall will show pictures of the event as a way to continue to tarnish pope. But it’s all fake news.
Here is a video of the event. If you know Spanish and Italian you will realize that it is thoroughly centered in Jesus Christ through Saint Francis ‘s Canticle of the Sun sung at the ceremony. The Canticle of the Sun in its praise of God thanks Him for creation.