Taylor Marshall's video on Fratelli Tutti- am I missing something or is TM being disingenuous...?

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Yeah, I always feel it’s more about getting attention for themselves than actually doing anything positive for the Church. Although I also think a good many of them manage to conflate the two things in their mind, as in, “I’m a brave crusader not afraid to speak out and save the Church!” No doubt they get plenty of that sort of affirmation from their cheering sections who agree with them.
My theory is that they are mostly normal with these tinges in them that are off, and then they write something more edgy in a blog or in one part of a book that ends up attracting a lot of attention and generating conversation and then brings in praise from a vocal group of people, followed by more views/sales, followed by more money, and this makes them feel good and gives them validation about their beliefs, and then it snowballs from there into more and more.
They don’t realize that what they are submitting to is idolatry and then project that onto others with an outrage so extreme.
I don’t think Dr. Marshall does it maliciously; I think he believes everything he says; the problem is that conspiracy theories seem to have become a blinding obsession. Instead of using his channel and gifts to evangelize, he uses his gifts to attack the pope and a Church Council. Instead of evangelization and catechesis, he has become an agent of influence over thousands of people, spreading suspicion and ushering people into rejecting not only the Vicar of Christ but the authoritative teachings of the Church. At this rate, I wouldn’t be surprised if he begins mulling over and falling into Sede Vacante.

People with PhDs and degrees in theology or who are gifted with intelligence and full of knowledge and who especially have influence over others are the ones the devil especially tries to deceive/recruit in order to use them. Please pray for Dr Taylor Marshall, he’s a good man, just blindly working against the Church and the pope.

Speck vs. plank, yes, but Dr. Marshall is rightly held to a higher standard. More is expected of someone who bears greater responsibility. (similar to Luke 12:48, “Much will be required of the person entrusted with much, and still more will be demanded of the person entrusted with more.”)
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We can listen to TM’s arguments and weigh them. But we must not give them extra credence just because “Taylor Marshall says”
It’s tragic because he could be a really good writer and speaker for the Church if he wanted to be, but unfortunately his charism is being squandered on diatribes against the Pope. 😦
It seems like a lot of these guys start out fairly normal but end up radicalized in some way. Patrick Coffin is another one that comes to mind.

I’m never sure whether they radicalize because they actually believe the stuff they say/ post, or whether they discover there’s more money in it than just being a nice middle-of-the-road apologist.

I agree that Taylor Marshall has written some useful works on traditional Church philosophy and practices, most such works being a few years old. I have zero use for his extreme writings or Pope-bashing though.
Honestly, what I think really happens is they are exposed to some very deep corruption within the Church and it jades them.

It takes a very special person to work for the Church and not get jaded.

A diocesan lay official spoke at our parish Sat night to give a talk about the Blessed Mother and she mention how difficult it is to work for the Church and how it sometimes makes her want to scream or crawl into a ball due to some members of the clergy.

When most people are exposed to a lot of corruption, hypocrisy, scandal, inefficiency, miss management, etc;, they often become apathetic, radicalized, or go into complete denial (head in the sand).

Unfortunately, it seems like only a few are Blessed enough to have both the mental & spiritual make up to keep moving forward with an honest smile.
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I can’t say I have too much sympathy for employees who are sent out to give a talk on the BVM and instead make a speech on how they hate their job and bashing the clergy. I also doubt that the Church is some specially corrupt place to work compared to other large employers.
This is something public institutions have taken advantage of for a long time.

People generally have low expectations with public institutions and they don’t expect greatness in the people around them, so when bad things happen, it doesn’t cause as much of a stir. But with a religious institution people become much more idealistic and their expectations are much higher because they picture everybody behaving in an ideal way and being Christlike 100% of the time.
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I like the way he goes even further back to the Bible, the beginning of Christianity, to show that this idea of truth in other religions is eternal, not some new indifferentism.
Well in all fairness to her, she only spent approx 10-15 seconds on it and she only said something (in front of the pastor) because the person who introduced her referred to the archdiocese as being “notorious.”

It was obviously wasn’t a planned part of her speech, but did play into it because the speech was about turning to the Blessed Mother during times of turmoil.
I suppose she could have said something about “when I am having a lot of turmoil at work then I turn to Mary to help me deal with my job and be charitable to difficult people”.

I will give her the benefit of the doubt since I wasn’t there to hear what she said in context, but it seemed odd. I would never badmouth my employer in public even if they deserved it (and some of them have deserved it) because it’s usually against the communications policy to do so, and also it’s understood that that’s just not a good thing to do for a lot of reasons.

I don’t watch much Taylor Marshall as I tend to disagree with his content but thought I would catch up with his latest…
And plus, the more he is talked about, the more his cult of personality advances! Who knew that advertising could be this simple.
I suppose she could have said something about “when I am having a lot of turmoil at work then I turn to Mary to help me deal with my job and be charitable to difficult people”.

I will give her the benefit of the doubt since I wasn’t there to hear what she said in context, but it seemed odd. I would never badmouth my employer in public even if they deserved it (and some of them have deserved it) because it’s usually against the communications policy to do so, and also it’s understood that that’s just not a good thing to do for a lot of reasons.
She wasn’t bad mouthing the archdiocese.

She was just acknowledging that working for the Church can be stressful, like any other job & she turns to Mary when working with difficult people and/or difficult situations
Hmm, I am disappointed. I thought I might find an active thread discussing the content of Fratelli tutti but all I found in here are ad hominems on the dude behind the video. Did anyone watch longer than five minutes?
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Since the USCCB has no authority to “dis-endorse” Catholic apostolates, the onus will fall, as it always has, on diocesan bishops to do so. And what will happen is that a few who are so inclined will go ahead and strip Catholic status from a list of apostolates operating in their diocesan territory. For example, Catholic Answers could get the boot for being mean to Pope Francis. I would also be interested in a scorecard of who obeys the ordinary and submits to the decree, and who scoffs his authority and continues on regardless.

But this will happen in a manner that can be calculated from the leanings of the bishop in question vs. the leanings of the apostolate in question. There can be no nationwide “trad purge” despite some who hope for it, much as there has not been a nationwide “liberal purge”, not even during the last Pontificate.
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The photo says “God the Father”, not “God”. That phrase is, in fact, not used. Yet such word counts and searches are useless. It is not actually a lie, though it is highly misleading. I found this phrase in Rerum Novarum.

“…that all men are children of the same common Father, who is God”

CNRL F criticism of Fratelli Tutti is useless, then how much use is responding to such inane criticism using the same sort of “logic” especially in an internet meme.
The topic of this encyclical–the unity of the human family–has as its primary basis a truth accessible to all, even those without faith
Amen. Just as easy as people can attribute conspiracy theory to Papa , you can also see much wisdom here.
In reality, the natives were Catholics and were praising God for the gift of His creation. The native lady leading the group looks up and praises God and then they all bow. That video clip was cut short to make it look as if they were bowing down to the wooden statues, which was the false narrative.
Interesting - I hadn’t heart this perspective. Thanks for sharing. Much sensationalism is invading the Traditional Catholic space…

Yes I think he plays to his impressionable audience who are very receptive to what is becoming somewhat a personality cult. I do not question his intentions however, but I think he does need more calling out…
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