Greenfields, aka ‘Hog-Calling Sally’, became known to the Department of Defense…she ‘disappeared’ one evening, carefully gagged,so that she couldn’t use her ‘secret weapon’…
When she woke up, she was near the top of a mountain, in a warm bunker, dressed in Arctic gear…the Army wanted to know if her scream could be used to incapacitate the enemy in the valley below, and there’s nothing like a dress rehearsal to find out…she was ordered to step out of the bunker, face the valley below, and let loose with her best “SOOOO-EY”…
Unfortunately, when she stepped outside, the cold air contracted her vocal cords, and she was unable to whisper, much less scream…
The condition persisted…she’s now in a VA hospital at an unnamed location, where the therapists are trying to restore her speech, and we all know how long the VA takes to accomplish anything…