1Lord1Faith has the honor of being organist/cantor at the Cathedral…is a good friend of the bishop…is highly respected by all in the Cathedral Parish.
Early one Saturday evening, convinced that it was Friday evening, he decided to pull an all-nighter…he bought a case of Old Milwaukee Light, his all-time favorite brew, and got out all his favorite 80’s music…after several hours of imbibing and listening, he heard a ‘thump’ in the apartment hallway…he went to the door, and found - Horrors!! - the Sunday paper!!
'I’m on at the Cathedral in 45 minutes", he thought, as he hurriedly showered and dressed…
Long story short, when the bishop and his entourage processed down the center aisle, they were greeted with a rousing version of ‘Karma Chameleon’…the parishioners thought that, somehow, this was OK, and those who knew it sang along, until the whole place was rocking…the bishop was not amused…
1Lord1Faith is now in the closest place to hell that the bishop could think of - he’s in the Cathedral basement, taking care of the preschoolers during all the Masses at the Cathedral…