Tell an Outrageous Lie About the Previous Poster

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When mVitus was in college he struggled to make ends meet. He started dumpster diving for aluminum cans and other recyclables. He became quite good at it, and payed his way through 7 years of college to get his Associates degree in horticulture.

These days, mVitus’ knack for gardening has led him to push the limits of composting. He returned to his old method of dumpster diving, but this time he’s not collecting recyclables for cash…he’s collecting discarded food from restaurants for his compost pile.
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1Lord1Faith owns the recycling company that mVitus brings his recyclables to. He tried to keep it on the down low, but he doesn’t pay mVitus a fair price for the aluminum cans.
@1Lord1Faith, I wish I was done.

Contrary to popular belief, it was Bartholo that devised the Theory of Relativity, not Einstein, though his dealt more with, shall we say, familial ties.
mVitus has been bald since his early teens…he still carries a comb - for the hair on his back…
boldlygo selected his username specifically so that autocorrect would always change it to bolgly go.
Consider mVitus, who, we’ve been told,
Is like King Midas, whose touch turns to gold,
And though he swears it was not his fault,
His girlfriend now lives in a bank vault!
Christofirst is actually a Jedi descended from human,s that time travelled back to star wars and he fell into a time warp that sent him back to the present day. As such he constantly tells people when he has the high ground.
mVitus has an impressive collection of teddy bears…more impressive is that he makes costumes for all of them on his ‘Hello Kitty’ sewing machine…he even made pajamas for them, so when they take turns sleeping with him, they’ll be comfy…
The movie “Saturday Night Fever” was a life-changing event for mVitus, who still sports a tight white disco suit, and carries a boom box that plays “Stayin’ Alive” as he struts down the street.
christofirst has a red teddy-bear. His godmother gave it to him when he was five. He can’t sleep without it.
Bartholo, on the contrary, has a stuffed bear. Taxidermy taken to the max, six feet tall, black fur, everything perfectly preserved. Even the organs. He might be asking Victor Frankenstein for tips here in the near future, as Bartholo has many enemies.
Bartholo is the real living person who now masquerades on this new CAF platform as discobot, isn’t that right, @discobot fortune ?
Not possible…that would require at least some intelligence…oops…there I go again…another good lie…carry on…

christofirst dressed up in a small garbage can, put on clamp-on roller skates and aluminum-foil sleeves, and armed himself with a battery-powered cake mixer, and entered himself in BattleBots…he lost when a 'Bot with a flamethrower forced him to abandon his overheated costume…
Boldlygo finally found a way to relieve his work related stress without having to buy anymore self-help books. After a tough day, he goes to his “man cave” where he keeps his collection of stuffed animals and '70s sitcom figurines. There, he sets them up on a table in front of himself and scolds them. Last night Mr. Kitty got an earful for not submitting a summary of the McMurf report on time.
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1Lord1Faith moonlights as an underarm deodorant model after flaming out as a career toilet tissue engineer. Famous for listening to Tiny Tim records while workng, 1Lord popularized the saying, “Listening to the hits while spraying the pits.”
joeybaggzzzzz fell asleep watching the underarm deodorant commercial…when he finally woke up, he looked at the calendar and realized it was time for his bimonthly shower…“Naaaah”, he thought…let’s wait another month, and make it a quarterly shower…"
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