Wow what a thread!! I am almost afraid to post. But here it goes.
TarAshly, I forget, do you have children? I also am very educated in the field of child development. I have a B.S. in Human development and family studies, a minor in Sociology, and a certification in early childhood development. Now the reason I say this is because, just because I have that education does not make me an expert on parenting or that I know what is best. There is no education better than actually having the experience of mothering your own children, which it is obvious that so many moms on here do and are wonderful mommies, co-sleep or not bf or not, ap- parenting or not. In fact many things I “learned or read” in my college days is very contrary to my Catholic faith and I would not use them on my children or any other childen for that matter. I believe all the mommies that have posted have made the best decisions for their families and whether I agree with them or not, it is not for me to judge, lest I be judged. It does seem that sometimes ap-parents try to convince others that their way is best, but the exact same goes for non-ap-parents, depending on where you are reading or who you are talking to. Parenting is one of those things that is different for not only each parent and family, but for each child in each family. (one very important thingI learned in my education and parenting) I have three children, 19yrs, 4yr. and a 2 year old, and TTC now. I have used different parenting with each child. Somethings I can use on all some not, I agree with some AP techniques and some not. I agree with some Dr. and some not,
I guess what I am trying to say is that everyone is on a different path and there are many paths out there. No mom here sounds like they have harmed their children, and no mom on here sounds like they are going against church teaching at all. But for anyone to judge another on their parenting styles would go against church teaching. My post is not meant to be offensive to anyone and so if you are offended, it is not my intention. God bless all mommies out there and may the LOrd keep flowing his mommy graces upon you all.