I wonder what you meant by the “nature” of the evidence. For me it simply means the “type” of the evidence which is presented. There can be no relevance or significance until the evidence is actually presented. And so far you did not present anything. As I said before, and will repeat now, there is only one requirement about the evidence; namely that I can personally verify it. No second-hand or hearsay evidence is admitted.
I think you have me confused with someone else. I never took on the burden of having to convince you of anything whatsoever. What I did demonstrate was that whatever evidence you require from me regarding whether telepathy really occurred or not is something that I cannot supply to you precisely because you are not me. Therefore, the entire set of evidence that you are asking me to provide to you is impossible by its very nature BECAUSE you are not me AND, therefore, the evidence will be by its very nature “inadmissible” to YOU because it is necessarily “second-hand or hearsay evidence” for YOU. Obviously, you know that.
My burden was to demonstrate that the level of evidence you demand be shown to you to convince you is not available and, in fact, not even possible which means nothing to me, really. The evidence is available to me and to anyone who chooses to trust me on it. You have your lamp post and I have mine, I suppose. And what you find under your lamp post does not necessarily determine what will be under mine. It is just that you want to insist that only your lamp post provides the kind of light that can determine whether anything of any sort exists or not.
Again, all I needed to demonstrate is that direct evidence is available to me and to any reasonable person first-hand which can and should be persuasive to them, I do not need to claim the evidence must be third party observable, unless I take on the additional burden of proving to third parties that the evidence was of that “nature.” It obviously wasn’t third-party accessible, ergo your insistence that evidence MUST BE third party accessible for it to be persuasive evidence for me (as a first party observer,) is logically incorrect.
I have personal subjective existence. There is no way that I can prove that to you in any way that would make you convinced of who I am, should you choose to declare it inadmissible because it is “third party or hearsay.” You can deny it until the cows come home, but that does not disprove to me that I am conscious and self-aware. There is simply no way to prove that to you with any evidence at all if you choose to not accept it, but that does not mean I must deny my own subjectivity, my character or anything else about me as me, merely because I cannot provide you with the evidence you require, should I have any interest in that enterprise to begin with.
When you experience a tree or a forest, first hand, I have no idea what your first hand experience of that actually is. Sure I can extrapolate and presume it is much like mine, but there is no possible “evidence” which proves that when I experience the colour green, for example, that you are experiencing exactly what I am. Similarly, to experience being itself or what it means to exist may be radically different between us even though we may use roughly the same words to describe our corresponding experiences. I would presume that when a theist or believer speaks of having a direct “experience” of God’s presence to them this is not the kind of thing for which observable or third party accessible “evidence” can necessarily be provided.
I would further suppose that since God is not “a thing” in the world, that God would not be the kind of “thing” that provides for observable third party evidence. Since God is presumably Being Itself, I would suppose that direct personal experience through one’s own act of existing would be the appropriate method of experiencing God, if “method” is at all a proper word for it.
This is not to deny that God could “become man” or take on a human nature or in some other way manifest his existence in the physical, observable world – burning bush, pillar of cloud and the like to whomever he wishes, but that would be entirely left to God to do so and the validity of each manifestation would be case by case, not a priori. But, of course, your presumption would be otherwise since you demand, not merely third-party evidence, but both third-party evidence that is, at the same instant, directly accessible to YOU. No reliable first hand accounts, but reproducible, observable, physical evidence.
In other words, for God to exist, God must be a physical thing, controllable and dissectible by you, observable by all and amenable to retrial by experiment – not God at all, but another “thing” in the world. Good luck with that.