Hawkeye, what do you believe? Earlier you posted the link to the catholic apologetics but now you are contradicting your self eith the last couple posts. Unless you are being sarcastic.
Actually jimmy I posted that link, and to tell you the truth I didn’t say I believed in it, actually I wish you could explain it to me.
I think it’s a poor explanation, and I would need to read it many times before it would enter this block of wood (brain).
I believe in the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, now if we say the Rosary and we believe in it, then in the Glorious Mysteries, (last two) we have the Assumption of Mary, then we have the Coranation of Mary, Crowned by her son Jesus.
Now if we have Jesus in body in Heaven crowning a spirit, then that makes no sense to me whatsoever.
Unless Jesus is only in Heaven in spirit, then we only have 2 persons of the Blessed Trinity in Heaven.
Actually when I saw the ladys question, I had no answer for it, but I usually pray to the Holy Spirit for guidance before I give an answer, I was actually stumped, when that Rosary thought came to me.
I don’t have the answers, I’m only dust, but I was reading a book about the messages of Carmela Carabelli and in it Jesus recommended that we Conscrecrate ourselves to the Holy Spirit, I have only been saying the Consecration for a few weeks, when ever I think of it.
Please don’t think I’m trying to get one up on anybody, but I do try to come at it in a different angle, as the other arguments are old and tired.
Anyway what is faith ? is it believing something we don’t fully understand ? I think it is, if we fully understood everything then there would be no need for this forum.
Anyway in the Rosary we are praying mysteries, and thats what it boils down to for me, a mystery, a 2000 year old mystery, like a 2000 peice jig-saw puzzle.
Will we unravel it in this world, or in the one to come, I don’t know.
Anyway back to your original question, I do believe in the Rosary and all the mysteries, including the Assumption, do I fully understand it ? no.