Your questioning of the Assumption is actually a symptom of a larger issue you are struggling with: that of your inability to scripturally prove–or disprove–the Catholic Doctrine of the Assumption of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven at the end of her earthly life by her Son, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.
My brother in Christ, if you’re looking for a Biblical “proof text” explicitly supporting or denying the Assumption of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, you won’t find one because one isn’t there.
This is no new argument you have stated here. Here’s the essence: Martin Luther’s theory of “sola scriptura” is false by definition because it’s unbiblical. John was referring to the OT and in 2Tim “profitable” does not mean “sufficient.” So, half-truth? Lie? Where? Something other than a yes or a no that is from The Evil One? I thought you weren’t supposed to follow a man? Luther’s Sola Scriptura theory is a BIG problem for the Godly, intellectually honest non-Catholic Christian seeker like you.
As Catholics we are free of this grave responsibility: we have the Holy Magisterium (Christ’s commanded Apostolic Teaching Authority, promised the unending protection against errors of faith and morals of the Holy Spirit).
If you as a Lutheran announced to your pastor that you no longer believed in “sola scriptura” because you couldn’t find any reference to it in the Bible, or that you did (or didn’t) want your new baby baptized, what would your pastor say? If you really believed this and insisted on spreading your belief, he’d eventually “invite you to join another denomination.” Right?
I tell you that the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary you question Jesus’ Church about is a perfect example of the essential difference between the Catholic and Protestant ways of reading the Bible. Catholics seek the whole: we work on the puzzle using all the pieces we can find, whether in the box or not, but only from the source Jesus promised we could trust–his shepherds.
Protestants in some degree run a picture through a shredder then use the shreds–carefully–to build a picture that they and their friends agree on–even vote on. This is error that blocks the whole truth. God’s glory is far greater than even the Holy Scriptures can contain. Who can fit God into a Mankind-shaped box? How can one doubt the Assumption?
For the same reason that because denying the reality of God can’t change the reality of God, denying the intention of Jesus to literally love his Mother into eternity as Queen of Heaven, can’t change the reality of His Divine filial love. The mechanics of the Assumption are unimportant which is why the Church has not defined them de fide. Only Jesus’ fulfillment of His intention as The Crucified: “Man, behold your mother” is important. This is Jesus’ way of taking his love for his Mother to the furthest possible extreme He could while still allowing us to grasp it with our human minds.
How great a gift of God is that? Showing us Jesus’ ultimate love for His Mother. How can we thank Him enough for the Doctrine of the Assumption by which the God of Abraham’s Divine Truth is Proclaimed, from all time, to our time, until the end of time?
Big job. Need to start now.
I think Martin Luther put it best near the end of his life, when he said “the problem with sola scriptura is that there can be as many interpretations of scripture as there are heads.”
Please pray with me in the name of the Trinity as you read this right now

Heavenly Father, May the Blessed Virgin Mary, given to us as our truest Mother by Christ upon the Cross, wreak her sweetest revenge upon all of us, her doubtful little ones, by taking our hands and gently leading us through the Holy Spirit, her Heavenly Spouse’s action, ever closer to you, Jesus Christ our Dear Lord, even as she waits to crush the serpent’s head by your Divine design.