
Amen Brother. Tell 'em like it is!!!We’re talking valid accounts here. The assumption of Mary has no eyewitnesses, no Apostolic support and no historical validity. Who came up with the story in the first place? What we have handed down to us in Holy Writ (the Bible) is not based on popular vote or opinion, or the fertile imaginations of men. It is demonstratated internally and externally to be the inspired, written Word of God. Do you not believe that it’s the written Word of God?
Your error lies in trying to constantly devalue His Word and exalt your so-called traditions. The account of Adam and Eve is part of Scripture, its not “tradition.” Certainly Christ and the Apostles said things that were not recorded in Scripture; and if we had certain knowledge of such unrecorded instruction it would be binding and of equal authority as Scripture. *But we have NO knowledge of those oral sayings *and therefore it must be concluded they were never divinely intended to be a part of the premanent rule of the faith as recorded in Scripture. It is impossible to learn what they were.
But God has given us a permenant record in ALL of Scripture through the work of divine inspiration as to what is binding for the rule of practice and salvation faith for the believer. It is silly to think some story fabricated 3-4 hundred years later, witnessed by no one, immediately rejected by many and then eventually accepted by some should hold the same authority as Scripture. This is the stuff from which cults are formed. It works to destroy the validity and uniqueness of the Christian faith, once delivered to the saints (Jude 3).
Argue all you want…it’s not going to MAKE your “traditon” true! We don’t live in the Middle Ages anymore.