Jesus did not give us a book. The catholic church gave us a book in about the year 400AD. There is nowhere in the bible that says anything about him giving us a book.
Whoever said “Jesus” authored the Bible? “All Scripture is inspired BY THE HOLY SPIRIT…” (2 Tim. 3:16).
There is also reason why Mary is not mentioned much in the bible. That is becauseit isn’t about her. The whole focus of the new testament is on Jesus. There is no place where it focus’ on another person. It may mention how the apostles taught.
Yes, ABSOLUTELY!!! The N.T. is all about Jesus! In fact, the O.T. is the
anticipation of Him; the Gospel accounts are the
manifestation of Him; the Book of Acts is the
propagation of Him; the Epistles are the
explanation of Him; the Book of Revelation is the
consummation of Him. Yes…It’s ALL ABOUT HIM. Hence, upon Him, and HIM alone, are we called to place our faith. Faith in Him (His Person and work on our behalf) constitutes personal salvation (Jn. 6:29).
Now, you go through all that writing to reiterate Romanist doctrine on Mary, yet, you still haven’t provided any historical account(s) of those who eyewitnessed her Assumption. You still have not provided any proof to back up this 4th Cen. story. Contrast that with the N.T. which is loaded with eyewitness accounts of Christ’s bodily resurrection and ascension back into Heaven. On this we may confidently set our faith.
When I said Mary is not in Heaven, I obviously meant she is not
bodily in Heaven, as Romanism asserts, i.e., her so-called bodily Assumption. In fact, Romanism can’t even decide how she got there: after death or translated apart from death. Now isn’t that amazing, they
positively tell you that they know she’s there, and have predicated all sorts of power to her, but they don’t exactly know how.
No, based on lack of any proof, Mary is not
bodily in Heaven, but like all the saints (true believers), she awaits the future, resurrection of her body. When her soul and spirit (which is now in Heaven with Christ) will be reunited with her then resurrected, glorified body (Rom. 8:18-23). As will be the case for all true believers in Christ.
Fourth century stories and religious dogmas don’t prove her Assumption. I’m still waiting for someone here to provide that.
I’ll be back later to check in if anyone can provide the historical proof.