Well, okay, but why is it important for you to be a "moral person’?
Let’s say you someone discovers you doing something immoral. Something that you think is wrong. Let’s say looking at porn. Your reaction will be one of embarrassment and perhaps shame. Guilt will be in there somewhere. You will have entirely normal reactions that you would do most things to try to avoid. And you will have these reactions whether you are of a particular religion, or none at all or if you are a high priest in the church of the FSM. These are entirely natural socially conditioned evolved reactions. If you want to say that no, it’s God making us feel that way, then you can skip the rest of this post.
So that is the reason why we try not to do things that we consider to be wrong. We want to be seen to be loyal, truthful, honest, upstanding, hard working. What other people think about us is generally quite important to us, sometimes to a significant degree, and it affects almost our entire outlook. Almost everything you do will affect someone else and whether you consciously think about it or not, what you do will take that into consideration.
Now this is not pop psychology. This is psychology 101. It’s a universally accepted, cross cultural and temporally indifferent given. Shame and guilt, with possibly the exception of anger, are two of the strongest emotions.
But why do we feel guilt at looking at porn? Well, because we think it’s wrong. Or at least, most of us do. So what are the reasons for that? Well, you can make a list if you like, but the specific reasons are not important. It’s the fact that either we have worked it out for ourselves or we have read it or we have been told. And we don’t make a decision to accept what we have read or what we have been told without some justification. Children don’t need justification - they are ‘programmed’ to accept what is being told them by an authority figure (for obvious reasons). But you and I are not. You don’t accept any given moral position just because someone says so.
So you have actively considered every moral position that you hold, whether it is something you have deduced yourself or whether, for example, your church has given it to you. Anything the church decrees, you consider to be entirely reasonable. Because you have thought about it, mulled it over, had perhaps an internal discussion and decided it is the correct course of action.
Now how would I know this? Well because every single reasonable person on the planet has, at all times, done exactly the same. If they haven’t, then they hold moral positions for which they have no justification. Other than ‘this is what I was told’.
So we know the process by which we arrive at our sense of morality and we have a reason why we tend to not break our own rules. But, sez the Christian, you don’t HAVE to follow your own rules, or anyone else’s either. Because there is no guarantee that you will have any price to pay.
True. But notwithstanding that Christians don’t seem to think that eternal damnation is much of a threat in any case, I don’t really think it reflects well on you to suggest that you are a moral person because of the threat of punishment.
‘Watching porn is wrong because of A, B and C and…I might go to hell if I do it’.
That isn’t morality. The last phrase shouldn’t be there. It demeans the person. And if we take it out, then there is no difference between us.