The atheists best argument?

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That is a question because AFAIK according to the Roman Catholic religion, one unrepented mortal sin can send you to eternal damnation in hell, but if you had many mortal sins and repented and confessed at the last moment, you would be saved. Some other religions don’t have that and say that it is your whole life that will be judged. They might deny the difference between mortal and venial sins.
In the Mahabharata, the Hindu epic tale, after a long war the saintly protagonist finds himself finally in heaven to be welcomed by his enemies, who had died on sacred ground and thereby were saved, while his relatives are in hell because of their sins. He refuses to remain, in spite of the joy, and by this act, he rises above the grand illusion that is the earth, heaven and hell. He enters into the highest level of consciouness with the realization that the ultimate reality is love.

Sin would destine us all to hell. Christ has redeemed humanity and saved each of us should we chose to follow Him. I think most of us will repent and be saved. Possibly some not. I cannot speak for anyone else, but hope that God will show me mercy.

There is hell and God is omniscient, omnipotent and omnibenevolent. This does make sense, and also fits with other truths that include the reality that all humanity fell in Adam, and is saved in Jesus Christ, whose body on earth is the Church. Also, eternity means outside of time although ultimately all time is grounded in and contained within it. I’d explain further what but words seem to fall quite short of my own liking and definitely would make no sense to those who do not believe in what has been revealed.

I think part of the problem is that people don’t know what to do with the undeniable mystery of suffering. You can run from it by thinking about an afterlife where we are finally free from its grasp. But, then we have hell, so we’ve dug a deeper hole for ourselves. I’d say that at the very least, our lives will end but what we have done, to our eternal shame and glory, remains in God’s eternal vision. That would be part of it, but there is more.
So that in itself indicates why we have these tendencies in the first place. It encourages social behaviour.
I would think that what you call “social behaviour” is a far different thing from mere social conformity, and your problem would be one of equivocating between the two.

Social behaviour implies that a reasonable and moral person will have, minimally, a functional understanding of what is “good” for the people in the society around them and will strive to realize that good and help others do so. In other words, positive social behaviour would seek the objective welfare of others, as distinct from social conformity which could go about doing their conformity thing with no clue with regard to what is objectively beneficial but would simply fall into line because of moral tepidity, moral apathy or cowardice.
Agreed. No problem with that. Just because we are programmed to eat fats and sugars doesn’t mean that you will do so at every meal. Just because men have a strong sexual urge doesn’t mean that you have to have sex with the nearest available female.

These urges and emotions were required to keep the species ticking over. That doesn’t mean that you have to bend to them at every turn. But it explains why you have them. And just in regard to diet and sex, you can see what problems they cause if you give in to them too easily and how difficult it is to resist them.

Quite the double edged sword, isn’t it…
Actually, Aristotle described it as the golden mean between a correlated pair of vices and his depiction captures precisely what is problematic with your position.

There would be “urges and emotions” in both directions – cowardice and rashness, self-indulgence and temperance, apathy and activity, etc. – so you can’t just pick one of the two in the pair and claim that one is the “hard-wired” one. No both cowardice and aggression (flight or fight) are “hard-wired” into us, but I would claim that so is morality and reason which would judiciously wield the “double-edged sword” to cleave the moral **** from what would be right-action.
If you were to transport me back there with my current understanding of human nature, then almost certainly not. But if I had been brought up there, then I’m afraid that there would have been a very good chance of me conforming…knowing what I know now about human nature.
Sorry to hear that, but again that merely provides some data with regard to your moral condition and health, it doesn’t say anything about morality itself or what a good moral agent should or would do.

It does seem to make plain that what you “now know about human nature” has made you less likely to act in a morally upright way. That would appear to be problematic.

Hopefully, a good moral agent wouldn’t conform but would tread the fine line between cowardice and mindless aggression, and make a continuous string of solid moral decisions involving courage and sound moral judgement all along, just as he would be held accountable for, no matter to which society he belonged.

That would be the case in a self-indulgent, slothful, hedonistic or narcissistic society as in a cruel and sadistic one. A good moral agent would need to avoid the pitfalls in both, even though they are completely different ones.

Yup, a “two-edged sword,” but one we must learn to wield, Sir Lancelot.
You can be the most evil sob on the planet right up to your last breath. And should that last breath be a genuine attempt at repentence, then the good Lord will rip the pages from the ledger listing your atrocities and welcome you with open arms.

That’s Christian justice.
In your previous life you really must have been a fundamentalist since you clearly do not believe in purgatory. The more atrocities we have committed the longer it will take to be received with open arms.
You can be the most evil sob on the planet right up to your last breath. And should that last breath be a genuine attempt at repentence, then the good Lord will rip the pages from the ledger listing your atrocities and welcome you with open arms.

That’s Christian justice.
He may “rip the pages from the ledger” and “welcome you with open arms,” but those arms will be arms of smoking hot fiery love which will burn away all evil from your soul. As Tomdstone noted – purgation might take a while and no small bit of suffering on your part even while you are being smothered in those arms by the good and loving Lord.

Best learn to let go of the evil that grips us before ending up in those “open arms.”

That isn’t a “threat” by the way, more like a promise.
Just because we are programmed to eat fats and sugars doesn’t mean that you will do so at every meal. Just because men have a strong sexual urge doesn’t mean that you have to have sex with the nearest available female.
But the point you miss here is that nutritionists will tell you something you don’t want to hear, that fats and sugars taken in abundance will threaten your health. And that is a threat. Why accuse the one who threatens of using threats when these threats are meant to warn you of impending danger?

You are right to say that Christ uses threats, but he does so in the same way that his is the physician of your soul as the nutritionists is the physician of the body. He wants us to live eternally in his embrace, not eternally in the embrace of Satan.

Matthew 25 The Judgment of the Nations.

31 “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit upon his glorious throne, and all the nations will be assembled before him. And he will separate them one from another, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will place the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. Then the king will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.’ Then the righteous* will answer him and say, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink?When did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? When did we see you ill or in prison, and visit you?’ And the king will say to them in reply, ‘Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.’ Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you accursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, a stranger and you gave me no welcome, naked and you gave me no clothing, ill and in prison, and you did not care for me.’ Then they will answer and say, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or ill or in prison, and not minister to your needs?’ He will answer them, ‘Amen, I say to you, what you did not do for one of these least ones, you did not do for me.’ And these will go off to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”
The atheist’s best argument is that they desire relative autonomy for themselves. As the etymology of that word plainly indicates, autonomy consists in being a law unto oneself. Only an absolute sovereign has autonomy—obeys himself alone, submits to no law made by others, recognizes no authority to regulate his conduct. Absolute autonomy can be possessed only by individuals living completely solitary lives, not by members of organized societies.

Since individual human beings do not lead completely solitary lives, since they have never existed, at least not for long, in the so-called state of nature that is more accurately referred to as a state of anarchy, the only autonomy to be found in the world is the relative autonomy of atheism.
The atheist’s best argument is that they desire relative autonomy for themselves. As the etymology of that word plainly indicates, autonomy consists in being a law unto oneself. Only an absolute sovereign has autonomy—obeys himself alone, submits to no law made by others, recognizes no authority to regulate his conduct. Absolute autonomy can be possessed only by individuals living completely solitary lives, not by members of organized societies.
We see this today in the atheist state of North Korea, where that pathetic little dictator Kim Jong-un seems to think the entire universe revolves about him and woe to anyone who imagines otherwise. Despite all the trumped up glamour of his role as human deity, we see a frightened little man who is all alone and, if the truth were known, arguably the most hated man in the world.
In addition to hell, there is Purgatory. AFAIK, if you have an unforgiven venial sin or there remains something after your mortal sin has been forgiven, you will go to Purgatory. What is Purgatory? EWTN has posted on its website, a book by Father Paul Sullivan which explains Purgatory. This book has the approval of the Cardinal Patriarch of Lisbon and is titled “Read Me or Rue it”:
" It is very possible that some of our own nearest and dearest ones are
still suffering the excruciating pains of Purgatory and calling on us
piteously for help and relief."
“People do not realize what Purgatory is. They have no conception of its
dreadful pains, and they have no idea of the long years that souls are
detained in these awful fires.”
It is a prison of fire in which nearly all [saved] souls are plunged after
death and in which they suffer the intensest pain.”

“So grievous is their suffering that one minute in this awful fire seems
like a century.
St. Thomas Aquinas, the Prince of Theologians, says that the fire of
Purgatory is equal in intensity to the fire of Hell, and that the slightest
contact with it is more dreadful than all the possible sufferings of this
“the fire of Purgatory inflicts the
keenest, most violent pain, but never kills the soul nor lessens its
"St. Cyril of Alexandria does not hesitate to say that "it would be
preferable to suffer all the possible torments of Earth until the Judgment
day than to pass one day in Purgatory. “”
Hell of course, is much worse than Purgatory, because there is no chance of getting out and your suffering, torment and pain are eternal.
Isn’t it better to warn people vividly about the danger of becoming corrupt and decadent rather than leaving them in the dark and letting them ruin their lives and the lives of others? Abstract truths are less potent than images of physical suffering even though in reality mental anguish is far worse because it is intangible and far more difficult to heal. When we remember all the needless suffering and injustice in the world caused by the lust for power and wealth we realise that an appeal to reason isn’t sufficient to deter potential criminals. It is necessary to strike fear into their minds and hearts with the threat of punishment not only after death but in this life as well. If we make it clear that hell begins in this world they will be even more likely to respect the rights of others
He may “rip the pages from the ledger” and “welcome you with open arms,” but those arms will be arms of smoking hot fiery love which will burn away all evil from your soul. .
If he earns a plenary indulgence, then all is forgiven and there is no Purgatory?
In your previous life you really must have been a fundamentalist since you clearly do not believe in purgatory. The more atrocities we have committed the longer it will take to be received with open arms.
Not if you gain a plenary indulgence before you die?
If he earns a plenary indulgence, then all is forgiven and there is no Purgatory?
A plenary indulgence assumes that no attachment to sin exists in the person’s soul.
To gain a plenary indulgence you must perform the act with a contrite heart, plus you must go to confession (one confession may suffice for several plenary indulgences), receive Holy Communion, and pray for the pope’s intentions. (An Our Father and a Hail Mary said for the pope’s intentions are sufficient, although you are free to substitute other prayers of your own choice.) **The final condition is that you must be free from all attachment to sin, including venial sin. **
If you attempt to receive a plenary indulgence, but are unable to meet the last condition, a partial indulgence is received instead.
Myth 3: A person can “buy forgiveness” with indulgences.
The definition of indulgences presupposes that forgiveness has already taken place: “An indulgence is a remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sins whose guilt has already been forgiven” (Indulgentarium Doctrina 1, emphasis added). Indulgences in no way forgive sins. They deal only with punishments left after sins have been forgiven.
**Myth 4: Indulgences were invented as a means for the Church to raise money.
Indulgences developed from reflection on the sacrament of reconciliation. They are a way of shortening the penance of sacramental discipline and were in use centuries before money-related problems appeared.
Myth 5: An indulgence will shorten your time in purgatory by a fixed number of days.
The number of days which used to be attached to indulgences were references to the period of penance one might undergo during life on earth. The Catholic Church does not claim to know anything about how long or short purgatory is in general, much less in a specific person’s case.
I’m curious: were you a fundamentalist Christian before you were atheist?
Your ideas of morality seem fundamentalist and irrational, focused on the negative and the arbitrary.
Church of England aka Anglicanism. And as regards morality, let’s try ‘practical’.

As I have said, there are inbuilt triggers which we all have which make us feel various emotions. The good ones feel good because they certainly had, and sometimes still do have, a practical purpose. Ditto the bad ones. We enjoy having the one and entertain scenarios where they will be triggered. Likewise, we try to avoid situations where we will experience the negative ones. All good so far?

A moral/immoral person recognises the results of either complying with, or rejecting, the hard-wired natural reactions within scenarios that make us experience these emotions. And they don’t have to recognise the reasons why they are experiencing them to actually experience them. And knowing why they are there doesn’t change things either. Whereas an amoral person is someone who either doesn’t recognise the implications of acting one way or another on these emotions, or is physically unable to recognise them in the first instance. So…

Let’s have an example.

Someone had to pass on some information to me yesterday so I could complete some work. When I got it, it was badly set out, difficult to understand and caused me extra effort in doing what I had to do. Emotions kick in. Frustration and annoyance mostly. I don’t like feeling them. No-one does. So I have a choice of action. I can call the young girl over and tell her in front of everyone that what she has produced is of poor quality, that I will do it myself next time and I will be brash and forthright. In which case, she and most people in earshot would think me a loser. She would be nervous about producing any more work for me, probably do worse next time and office moral would drop a point or two.

So what I did, because I thought it was the right thing to do, was to call her over, suggest better ways of preparing the work, offer solutions that will make it easier for her (and me!) and gently encouraged her to do a little better. Now she thinks I’m a good guy, willing to help and those who heard the discussion thought: Hey, good of ol’ Brad to help her out. Isn’t he a nice guy. And we all get to feel warm and fuzzy.

Now I did actually do what I did because I want the office to work better. It’ll make me feel better and I can finish work earlier and get down the pub. Likewise, I don’t want people to think I’m a loser. In fact I would like them to think I’m a nice guy. So it was an easy choice. If you look at it from purely a moral perspective, I did what I did because it was the right thing to do. But there’s a lot going on in the background that is purely driven by the emotions that we feel.

Now I know that you want to believe that we do good things simply BECAUSE they are the right things to do. And for no other reason. But there ARE always reasons. Very practical ones. You wouldn’t feel these emotions if that were not the case.
But if that really bothers you, the announcement of a policeman carrying a gun and threatening to use it if necessary must drive you nuts, since you don’t believe hell is real yet have no choice to believe or not believe that death is real.
Hell appears to bother me as much as your average Catholic – that is, not in the slightest. Death? Meh. I’ll deal with that when it comes. Hopefully later rather than sooner. Still lots to do…
I would think that what you call “social behaviour” is a far different thing from mere social conformity, and your problem would be one of equivocating between the two.
Depending on your definition, there may be very little between them.
Social behaviour implies that a reasonable and moral person will have, minimally, a functional understanding of what is “good” for the people in the society around them and will strive to realize that good and help others do so. In other words, positive social behaviour would seek the objective welfare of others, as distinct from social conformity which could go about doing their conformity thing with no clue with regard to what is objectively beneficial but would simply fall into line because of moral tepidity, moral apathy or cowardice.
Close. Quite close. But it needs some fine tuning.

Certain behaviour is just that behaviour that allows us to be sociable. So we call it, not surprisingly, sociable behaviour. It’s the hard wired stuff I mentioned earlier. It’s the reason I didn’t berate the young girl in work in front of everyone. And social conformity is a reaction to living in a society. Not many people want to be the outsider. We all have a (hard-wired) need to belong to a group (let’s not mention religion here). So we try to fit in. We match social mores and attitudes. You may have even noticed people listening to someone talk in a group situation mimicking the stance and the way of talking of the person holding forth.
There would be “urges and emotions” in both directions – cowardice and rashness, self-indulgence and temperance, apathy and activity, etc. – so you can’t just pick one of the two in the pair and claim that one is the “hard-wired” one. No both cowardice and aggression (flight or fight) are “hard-wired” into us, but I would claim that so is morality and reason which would judiciously wield the “double-edged sword” to cleave the moral **** from what would be right-action.
You can’t pick them. You are right there. But they are all hard wired. There isn’t a person on the planet who doesn’t feel shame, pride, lust etc. Morality is a result of these feelings. We don’t do things that may make us feel shame. We try to do things that will make us feel pride.
It does seem to make plain that what you “now know about human nature” has made you less likely to act in a morally upright way. That would appear to be problematic.
Maybe you misunderstood. If you drop me back in Weimar Germany knowing what I know now about social behaviour and social conformity, then I would be able to look at the situation as almost a passive onlooker. I would be able to see why people developed certain attitudes. I would, I would imagine, be able to resist ‘conforming’ because of that. But if I had grown up there, then who knows. Very many right minded, reasonable people took the wrong path. And religious beliefs didn’t help, either. So there but for the grace of God…
Hopefully, a good moral agent wouldn’t conform but would tread the fine line between cowardice and mindless aggression, and make a continuous string of solid moral decisions involving courage and sound moral judgement all along, just as he would be held accountable for, no matter to which society he belonged.
Would that we were all like that.
… those arms will be arms of smoking hot fiery love which will burn away all evil from your soul.
Good grief, are we back in the tent? You should have written it:

‘Those arms will be of smoking hot fiery LOVE! Which will BURN all the evil from your SOUL!’

Then do a call and response. Three is always good.
That isn’t a “threat” by the way, more like a promise.
Exactly what my dad used to say.
But the point you miss here is that nutritionists will tell you something you don’t want to hear, that fats and sugars taken in abundance will threaten your health. And that is a threat.
A threat you say? See, I knew hell was a threat.
Why accuse the one who threatens of using threats when these threats are meant to warn you of impending danger?
Because you just called them a threat. Twice. In the same sentence. And once in the previous sentence as well. Here’s Tony saying exactly the same thing:
It is necessary to strike fear into their minds and hearts with the threat of punishment not only after death but in this life as well.
Strike fear! And not just of earthly punishments but even after death! Which I guess means…hell.
The atheist’s best argument is that they desire relative autonomy for themselves.
And there’s me taking all this time and making all this effort to explain just the opposite. That morality is based on an inbuilt need to be, for lack of a better word, sociable.
Because you just called them a threat. Twice. In the same sentence. And once in the previous sentence as well. Here’s Tony saying exactly the same thing:

Strike fear! And not just of earthly punishments but even after death! Which I guess means…hell.

And there’s me taking all this time and making all this effort to explain just the opposite. That morality is based on an inbuilt need to be, for lack of a better word, sociable.
Try telling that to a tyrant like Kim Jong-un and you’ll find out how sociable he is! Do you really believe you could co-exist amicably with him for a day, let alone forever? You obviously underestimate the reality of evil - or justice for that matter.

There’s only one thing such persons understand and that’s a taste of their own medicine…
A threat you say? See, I knew hell was a threat.

Because you just called them a threat. Twice. In the same sentence. And once in the previous sentence as well. Here’s Tony saying exactly the same thing:
What is your objection to the term “threat”?

When the law threatens to jail you for rape or murder, as it threatens all of us, is that not a fair and rational means of discouraging rape and murder for those of us who are rational and value our freedom?

When Jesus threatens us with the fires of hell when we could have the Beatific Vision,
is that not a fair and rational choice we are offered?

Again, what is you objection to the term “threat”?

Do you believe that actions should never have consequences, even disastrous ones?
Certain behaviour is just that behaviour that allows us to be sociable. So we call it, not surprisingly, sociable behaviour. It’s the hard wired stuff I mentioned earlier. It’s the reason I didn’t berate the young girl in work in front of everyone. And social conformity is a reaction to living in a society. Not many people want to be the outsider. We all have a (hard-wired) need to belong to a group (let’s not mention religion here). So we try to fit in. We match social mores and attitudes. You may have even noticed people listening to someone talk in a group situation mimicking the stance and the way of talking of the person holding forth.
Here you go creating causation out of correlation as if you have answered the question without begging it.

By “match[ing] social mores and attitudes” you create the association, but then you go on to assume that trying “to fit in” is the cause of the moral or ethical beliefs that ALL people have. Now it may be true that some people do find their morals and attitudes in precisely that way, but – just as with developments in other realms of human endeavor – it may also be true that creative thinkers and moral agents go about assessing the current social situation – the “social mores and attitudes” that do exist – and find it wanting.

If your view is correct, and “mimicking the stance” is ALWAYS the way mores and attitudes come about then where does the stance come from to begin with? You cannot have an endless series of mimicking or what you will have is an infinite accidental series – endless buck passing – and no explanation for where it (the morality) actually came from.

No, what you are describing is how morals – or, as an analogy, contagious diseases – MIGHT be passed on, but it goes nowhere in terms of explaining why there are morals – or diseases – to begin with.

People may “try to fit in” mindlessly but that does not even touch upon the question that many reasonable people will ask: Should I try to fit in to the particular way in which my culture is doing things or is there something fundamentally wrong with that way and should it be changed?

No reasonable person will try to “fit in” for its own sake. There will always, at least if the person is serious about morality, an equally serious endeavor to change the society by influencing it to be the best it can be by creating a “stance” that is worthy of mimicking rather than merely mimicking the stances of others.

Mere mimicking is not an ideal in economics, science, philosophy, art, nor literature, so why should it be the ideal with regard to the origin or development of morality?
You can’t pick them. You are right there. But they are all hard wired. There isn’t a person on the planet who doesn’t feel shame, pride, lust etc. Morality is a result of these feelings. We don’t do things that may make us feel shame. We try to do things that will make us feel pride.
But we don’t – at least not reasonable people actually concerned with being good moral agents – create morality from feelings of pride or shame as if merely being in a culture that encourages or discourages certain behaviours is sufficient to make those behaviours the moral standards by which we are prided or shamed. No, any decent moral agent will always question for himself whether he ought to be proud of or ashamed of doing some action or other.

Even in – or especially in – modern secular culture, there are frequently alternate sides taken on virtually every position – say, for example, promiscuous behaviour. Any particular person’s level of pride or shame concerning their sexual behaviour is not going to depend upon what others think because what others think is all over the map. It will come down to your own conscience AND if you are an autonomous moral being you will have arrived at your moral position NOT based upon feelings of pride or shame but from thoughtful and sound moral judgement.

That determination might make you feel ashamed when you fail to live up to the standards you know to be true and honorable when you do, but the feelings do not determine your moral position – unless of course you are a sycophant with regard to the society around you.
Maybe you misunderstood. If you drop me back in Weimar Germany knowing what I know now about social behaviour and social conformity, then I would be able to look at the situation as almost a passive onlooker. I would be able to see why people developed certain attitudes. I would, I would imagine, be able to resist ‘conforming’ because of that. But if I had grown up there, then who knows. Very many right minded, reasonable people took the wrong path. And religious beliefs didn’t help, either. So there but for the grace of God…
And your assumption is that individuals in Weimar Germany couldn’t help themselves with regard to falling into taking on the attitudes of the Nazi regime, but you living in a more “enlightened” culture today could and would. Sounds like chronological or, at least, cultural ethical snobbery to me.
And there’s me taking all this time and making all this effort to explain just the opposite. That morality is based on an inbuilt need to be, for lack of a better word, sociable.
No. Morality – at least for me – is based upon an inbuilt need to realize the good both for the society within which I live and for myself personally.

It may be true that somewhere down the line the good for society will align with making it the most sociable one, but only if the individuals making up that society have a common view of the good.

A band of thieves or barbarians will share to some degree a common ideal of what it means to be “sociable” and may even get along with each other and base their “society” upon getting along with each other, but that, in itself, does not make the society a moral one.
Hell appears to bother me as much as your average Catholic – that is, not in the slightest. Death? Meh. I’ll deal with that when it comes. Hopefully later rather than sooner. Still lots to do…
When the later comes, the fear of hell might just come with it. 🤷

Nobody wants to be judged, but final judgment just might be inevitable, and if so, even being an atheist can’t prevent it.

After all, you can’t have any more proof hell doesn’t exist than that God doesn’t exist.
A plenary indulgence assumes that no attachment to sin exists in the person’s soul.
True, but you have not answered the objection of Mr. Bradski. Here is a similar objection and situation which some people may find hard to believe: Person A can lead a good and decent life and contribute to charity, but at the last moment he commits a mortal sin just before he dies and does not repent of this sin. Then regardless of his good life lived up to the last moment when he took a bite of a hot dog on a day of abstinence or when he used ABC with his wife who has several children, because he committed a mortal sin and did not repent, he will go to hell, according to my understanding of Catholic teaching. OTOH, person B, has led a life of horrible crime including harm and torture to innocent people. He has stolen, murdered innocent people, disrupted families, shown hatred to all. He has been in prison for a while now without repenting, but a short time before he is executed, he confesses his sin, expresses remorse and with the guidance of the priest he obtains a plenary indulgence by satisfying all the criteria. He is then executed and it is my understanding that if a person has gained the plenary indulgence, he goes directly to heaven.
:twocents: :twocents: :twocents:
The parable about the prodigal son is actually about the one who stayed behind.
In the end it isn’t about hypotheticals, but rather the love that is in our hearts.
It seems glass-half-empty people are all about hell and the half-full about heaven.
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