The Aunt Jemima brand and logo will be retired

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I heard him myself. I’m not in error.
Prove it. You were at the Fox News studio in 2008? I distinctly remember the incident and Reverend Jackson did not use that epithet as to Obama. You are engaging in wishful thinking.

Unless you consider ‘nuts’ racial disparagement. That’s what Fox called ‘the "n word’. That station fooled you.
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I would agree that the black community has been talking about police treatment of blacks for a long time. But I doubt Aunt Jemima has, and you have certainly not proved that.
Have you read the book I linked earlier? It wasn’t talked about in the same intensity as say, their own husbands and brothers and sisters being tortured and killed, but it has been brought up often before 2020.
Just as convincing as “most black people”. anecdotal at the very most.
Considering that statement wasn’t an argument but me just sharing an anecdote…so what? Do you randomly go around listing everything as anecdotes in a conversation 😂
That’s the image, not some racial caricature.
You can’t run away from history. You want the ‘Frito bandito’ on snack packages? Must we continue to use an ugly term for Brazil nuts? Did you know that they changed the ungrammatical, Southern-accented maid’s dialog on “Tom and Jerry” cartoons? Is that OK now?

Heck even the Dutch have eliminated the black servant who attended Sinterklass.

So that the issue can be over:

“So, yes. Jesse Jackson did use the “N” word. But it was not directed at Barack Obama. Fox News and Bill O’Reilly have maintained there was more on the tape, but that the un-aired portion was not relevant to the issue at hand: about whether Obama was “talking down” to the black community.”

Like I said.
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there are plenty of material from black individuals that explain why the mammy stereotype is racially insensitive.
I have yet to see your evidence that any significant number of blacks are offended by the image of Aunt Jemima.
Did you know that they changed the ungrammatical, Southern-accented maid’s dialog on “Tom and Jerry” cartoons?
I’m not aware of those cartoons. I did like Li’l Abner cartoons, though.
Considering that statement wasn’t an argument but me just sharing an anecdote…so what? Do you randomly go around listing everything as anecdotes in a conversation
No. But if you claim to have proved something, really prove it. You haven’t done that and it’s apparent you can’t.
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It still amazes me… I’m old enough to have grown up in a time where my parents taught me to not react if people called me names … which was demonstrated in the old playground taunt, “sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me”. … that people get so offended and want to hurt others because they cannot control their reaction to people saying mean things about them or if the see something that “offends” them. LET. IT. GO.

I’m Italian. Do comedians make fun of Italians. You bet. Do I laugh. Sure do. Sometimes do they get mean and go overboard. Maybe. Do I get offended and go home and cry like a little baby and go riot in the streets and complain to Congress we should enact “safe speech zones”? No.

Italians were persecuted in the early 1900’s. No one liked them and their journey to become Americans was rife with “ethnicism” and ensuring they stayed down where they were supposed to be. But you know what. They didn’t complain and they worked hard. They didn’t succumb and be part of the spineless “cancel culture”.

Do I demand reparations and new laws that favor my equalness more equal than others because my lineage was likely affected and I should be repaid for that and all Italian images should be wholly wiped out from the face of the earth because they are “you know” totally racist.

People today have gone mad for sure. We are dealing with 30 year olds who have the mental capacity and maturation of a 5 year old.
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I’m Italian. Do comedians make fun of Italians. You bet. Do I laugh. Sure do. Sometimes do they get mean and go overboard. Maybe. Do I get offended and go home and cry like a little baby and go riot in the streets and complain to Congress we should enact “safe speech zones”? No.
Do I have Italians friends who led street protests against “The Sopranos”? Did Italians riot when several were lynched in New Orleans?

I’ll give you two guesses.
I thought we were all told whites can’t comment on or understand what blacks go through? So maybe any whites here should take that advice. I will. Instead I’ll let the great grandson of the woman who portayed her speak. That’s all for me. My self imposed once a week online time is up. Catch up you all in a week.
This is absolutely correct. You know how the rioters have done things like vandalized some statues that stood up for good back in the day, like Baldwin of Philadelphia, he was an abolitionist. And he helped educate young African Americans.

But the vandals did not know,

Well, I think we are dealing with another scenario where folks don’t understand what they are doing.

And this with Aunt Jemima, that was 130 years ago, that brand was created.

The slogan for one of our states is “We grow as we go”, it’s Latin but I forget the Latin version. But indeed, we grow as we go, we learn as we go along. No, here we are just dashing some whole piece of history. And at that, Aunt Jemima’s image changed in those 130 years.

In ways, there is the tiktok video, maybe who created that wasn’t an African American, maybe who thought it up was some white egghead Berkley professor. I would also be angered and youtube also had a video, just search for Aunt Jemima if anyone is interested. That African American doesn’t care for what happened and said he would stop buying the products.

I really think Quaker Oat’s who owns Aunt Jemima was trying to be conciliatory but they should possibly rethink their position.
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People defacing or destroying a statue somewhere isn’t important to the conversation.
There’s nothing to debate in that respect. A group of strangers attacking a statue somewhere in Philadelphia has no bearing on the racist origins of Aunt Gemima. None. . . .
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I think history shows that crusades like this start out as well-intentioned but often end up as farce. If certain racial logos like Aunt Jemima have outlived their usefulness, so be it. But I saw 2 minutes ago an announcement that Eskimo Pies will be re-branded. To my knowledge that was just a word, not even a picture. And I didn’t think that Mrs. Butterworth was any race at all, just a bottle shape. The corporate wokeness and virtue signaling is really taking on a life of its own. I don’t see how the Redskins football team can survive this round.
I don’t know, re: Mrs. Butterworth. I think the shape of the bottle is the issue, today…
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