I belong to a NONdenominational church.
My wifes mother wanted to sell her house so her priest told her to bury a statue of St Thomas or some other saint in her back yard. This is idolitry. My wife and I prayed that it would not sell. We then talked to her about removing it because it was idolitry.She agreed, we then prayed for the house to sell, which it did.Didn’t open her eyes much though, she just thought it was coincedence.
My wifes sister wanted to get an inulment of her first marriage
so she could remarried but she had very little money. The priest told her that it would take 6 months for it to go thru, so her brother lent her $500 to give to the church. You guessed it 5 1/2 weeks later she got it. Wonder what a grand would have got her?
The bottom line here is that the catholic church has changed thru out the years, it is not the same church that it once was.
The answer is easy, it cannot.
In Him, and Him only, Dave.