So…Do you believe that this “anointing” by Kiko is any way equal to or surpasses the anointing of a new Priest or Bishop by another Bishop?
The anointing of a charism is distinct from the anointing of a priest. One of them releases a charism to operate for the benefit of the church. The other one releases a person to operate in the service of the church.
what are you thoughts about the Theology of The Body as taught by Pope John Paul II?
I respect Pope John Paul 2 as a saint and a great pope! We learn in the communities to be open to life. I think this is the crux of the teaching that is very Catholic.
Does the Church have the right to teach married couples what human sexuality is about?
Teaching and interfering might not be the same. CCC 2367 says: “Called to give life, spouses share in the creative power and fatherhood of God (…) thereby
cooperating with the love of
God the Creator and are, in a certain sense, its interpreters.” If we are interpreters of God’s creative power, then the priest might feel okay to help interpreting God’s love for us. But would it be according to the teaching? I don’t know.
Again CCC 2398 claims: “Fecundity is a good, a gift and an end of marriage. By giving life, spouses participate in God’s fatherhood.” I call my priest father. So this particular connotation might give the wrong idea to the priest to demonstrate his own special relation to God by bringing His power among the faithful.
On top of this, some Gnostic residues may persist in the higher echelons of the church giving permit to the initiated priest, bishop or cardinal, through secretly dispensed secret teaching, to act in a manner that is considered sinful for any common lay people.
What I think is that as soon as a priest, bishop or cardinal is too eager to become “interpreter” of God’s creative power over the faithful, he might be in great danger of falling into sin. This is my reading of the current very sad situation of the Catholic Church in the 21st century of America.