The Church Fathers...

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You must be “…old, overweight, eyesight fading, teeth falling out!”

And now…back to the topic at hand!

Look up to what happens to the children who call the Prophet Elishah “baldy.”:eek:
Yes. That is the general consensus. 🤷
Matthew 19:14
But Jesus said, “Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

I guess I must be doing something right then if I’m perceived as having the mind of a child. 👍

Matthew 18:
At that time the disciples approached Jesus and said, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?”
He called a child over, placed it in their midst,
and said, “Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.
Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”

Tell us one that says he belonged to the Roman catholic church.

There’s no such thing as a “Roman catholic church”.

There’s The Catholic Church!

Now that you’ve learned that there is no such thing as a “Roman catholic church”, can you or can you “not” answer my question?
Child-like faith is much different than child-like insults.
So then, you must be different from child like faith. 😃

Now are you going to actually discuss the topic?

Or are you going to continue to hurl insults?

I’m sure this must be maddening to you that you cannot answer the questions posed, but please, don’t inject that here. Take your off topic insults somewhere else.

Look up to what happens to the children who call the Prophet Elishah “baldy.”:eek:
Then poor, poor “Hesychios”…because that is how he referred to himself in his own profile.


Additional Information Group Memberships
Date of Birth:
December 7
schmo-dog, old, overweight, eyesight fading, teeth falling out!
Illinois, U.S.A.
Polish-American Orthodox-Catholic OCA Christian
Jazz & classical music, philosophy, poetry, history and religion
So then, you must be different from child like faith. 😃

Now are you going to actually discuss the topic?

Or are you going to continue to hurl insults?

I’m sure this must be maddening to you that you cannot answer the questions posed, but please, don’t inject that here. Take your off topic insults somewhere else.
It is not edifyiing to respond to your insults with more insults. The majority of your posts are ad hominem. When you do not like the answer to your questions, you either claim it was not answered or you throw another insult. I’m sorry, but I will not play those games.🤷
It is not edifyiing to respond to your insults with more insults. The majority of your posts are ad hominem. When you do not like the answer to your questions, you either claim it was not answered or you throw another insult. I’m sorry, but I will not play those games.🤷
Ok, then. Leave. 👋

Now, back to the topic…The Church Fathers.

What Church did they belong to?
The Catholic Church of course with the chief Bishop based in Rome.😉
Ok, then. Leave. 👋

Now, back to the topic…The Church Fathers.

What Church did they belong to?
2ndGen, one brother to another, you need to to :cool: out. Take your insults with a grain of salt, Turn the other cheek, dont give insult for insult, we dont learn from each other that way. Please dont ask our guests and members to leave. I am no one to offer my two cents too, I can only offer my peace to you. The authority you rest your faith on is Rock, and a thrown Rock can hurt. I dont think a saint or one you hold in high regard to about the faith would appreciate negative postings. Love you brother:) dont allow your peace to be taken from you.

Now on with your post. VARC in thread # 7 quoting some interesting notations, about the Pope and Catholic church. I was looking foward to reading your response on some key issues. I will post again to clarify my meaning. I hope VARC comes back to elaborate more on his statements.
Isa Almisry;3278573:
Tell us one that says he belonged to the Roman catholic church.

There’s no such thing as a “Roman catholic church”.

There’s The Catholic Church!

Now that you’ve learned that there is no such thing as a “Roman catholic church”, can you or can you “not” answer my question?
Google Roman catholic church. For something that doesn’t exist, it sure has a lot of hits.
Matthew 19:14
But Jesus said, “Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

I guess I must be doing something right then if I’m perceived as having the mind of a child. 👍

Matthew 18:
At that time the disciples approached Jesus and said, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?”
He called a child over, placed it in their midst,
and said, “Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.
Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”

Christ said be child-like.

Not childish.
Who are the “Orthodox Catholic Fathers”?
Orthodox means true or correct faith. And catholic means universal. So the Church Fathers are the Fathers of the true universal faith—the same faith of which the Holy Orthodox Catholic Church continues to hold.
2ndGen, one brother to another, you need to to :cool: out. Take your insults with a grain of salt, Turn the other cheek, dont give insult for insult, we dont learn from each other that way. Please dont ask our guests and members to leave. I am no one to offer my two cents too, I can only offer my peace to you. The authority you rest your faith on is Rock, and a thrown Rock can hurt. I dont think a saint or one you hold in high regard to about the faith would appreciate negative postings. Love you brother:) dont allow your peace to be taken from you.

Now on with your post. VARC in thread # 7 quoting some interesting notations, about the Pope and Catholic church. I was looking foward to reading your response on some key issues. I will post again to clarify my meaning. I hope VARC comes back to elaborate more on his statements.
Alright, alright…as you can see, I’ve been trying to get them to stick to the topic and I have been turning the other cheek.

I just usally talk back while I’m turning my cheek. 😛

Did you see Post #10 as my response to Varc?

By the way, he only left “this” particular thread because he couldn’t answer the question.

He left before I said Bye.

I hope they can keep the focus on the topic and stop hurling insults.
Orthodox means true or correct faith. And catholic means universal. So the Church Fathers are the Fathers of the true universal faith—the same faith of which the Holy Orthodox Catholic Church continues to hold.

Quote “one” stating what you profess.

If you can’t, then you are “adding” and “innovating” to Christian belief.

But I’ll wait…:coffeeread:
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