The Church Fathers...

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But there was no “Orthodox Chruch” back then, so they can’t be the Church Fathers of any Church today other than that of The Catholic Church.
As much as you beg the question, 2nd, it doesn’t change the answer.
That’s talking about The Orthodox Church that exists today. 🤷

The Catholic Church is an “orthodox” (not “Orthodox”) church.

The “Orthodox” Church is not a Catholic Church, but an Orthodox (not “orthodox”) church.

Still haven’t shown me where in history the term or phrase “Orthodox Church” or “Orthodox Catholic Church” exists before the 11th century.

Now I’m wondering what’s in the cup.

You’ve been shown frequent references to the Orthodox Faith of the Catholic Church. So either your church is confessing our Faith (which we agree, it’s not) or you have been shown the reference to the Orthodox Church way before the schism (btw, the term you are trying to get is “schismatic”). Take your pick.
Now I’m wondering what’s in the cup.

You’ve been shown frequent references to the Orthodox Faith of the Catholic Church. So either your church is confessing our Faith (which we agree, it’s not) or you have been shown the reference to the Orthodox Church way before the schism (btw, the term you are trying to get is “schismatic”). Take your pick.
No. Haven’t seen any “Orthodox Faith” in your references.
I’ve seen the “orthodox faith”, but not the “Orthodox Faith”.

And I still haven’t seen any “The Orthodox Church” mentioned.

Take your pick.
I tried to send you this PM, but it seems that your box is too full to accept any PM’s.

So I’ll post it here…


No matter how much we go at it, I want you to know that I have a lot of respect for you.

You’ve never insulted me.

I couldn’t respond to anymore of your posts without you knowing how much I appreciate that.

Peace unto you my Christian “Catholic” Brother.

Your begging the question again.

Your using equivocation with the proper names of the churches and the qualities of the churches. If you believe the Orthodox Church is not orthodox then state your case.
It “ain’t” Catholic (capitol “C”).
It’s saying that the Orthodox Church “that exists today” is the same Church that has always existed in the East.
No, actually, it says how it ‘came to’ be known as The Orthodx Church (which is, again, talking about The Church known as The Orthodox Church today).

When was it called “The Orthodox Church” first?

What year?

We can trace The Catholic Church’s first appearance “namewise” in history “before” the 11th century.
I have already cited your catholic encyclopedia that stated that the term Orthodox was used as a name for the Catholic Church in the East. Do you not accept the scholarship of your own catholic historians?

What are you attempting to prove with this line of reasoning?
No, actually, it says how it ‘came to’ be known as The Orthodx Church (which is, again, talking about The Church known as The Orthodox Church today).
What do you think “IT” is refering to?
I’ll answer for you

IT is refering to the Catholic Church in the East. IT was called “Orthodox” before the schism according to your own historians.
I’ll answer for you

IT is refering to the Catholic Church in the East. IT was called “Orthodox” before the schism according to your own historians.
Wow! Great!

Where’s the document that I can see the term “The Orthodox Church” used to describe Eastern Catholicism “before” The 11th Century?

(Not a modern day essay on how the modern Orthodox Church got it’s name “after” the 11th Century)
(Not a modern day essay on how the modern Orthodox Church got it’s name “after” the 11th Century)
Not a good idea to kick dirt on the scholarship of your own historians just to make a fallacious nonsequitor argument.
Fallacy. Nonsequitor. The proper name of the church has no bearing is whether what they teach is orthodox or not.
Ohhh…I see.

So according to you, names “don’t” matter? :confused:

Of course the member of a Church that didn’t exist until “after” the 11th Century would believe that. 🤷

If names “don’t” matter, does that mean that “The Orthodox Catholic Church” that was created “in” America “The” original Church? 😃
Ohhh…I see.

So according to you, names “don’t” matter? :confused:
According to any reasonable person, it doesn’t matter. Protestants churches are called the “Church of Christ” (actually a more ancient proper name than Catholic). But that proves nothing. Also, the See of Utrecht, is called the Catholic Church, but that also proves nothing. It is a fallaciuos argument. The proper name is just a label. It is the Faith that they hold that matters.

The real question is which church shares the same faith as the Catholic Church of the 7 ecumenical councils?
Frankly, your argument that “the Roman Catholic Church is orthodox because we’re Catholic with a big “C”” is one of the silliest arguments I’ve ever heard (and I’ve heard a lot). You’re really grasping at straws on this one.

No offence:)
Frankly, your argument that “the Roman Catholic Church is orthodox because we’re Catholic with a big “C”” is one of the silliest arguments I’ve ever heard (and I’ve heard a lot). You’re really grasping at straws on this one.
I’m never said that The Roman Catholic Church was anything. I never talked about any Roman Catholic Church.

Are you attempting to make that a quote of mine by using parenthesis marks around those words (“the Roman Catholic Church is orthodox because we’re Catholic with a big “C””)?

The Catholic Church is orthodox because we are The Church Jesus started. Not because of what we are called.

No wonder you don’t understand.

You “don’t” understand.

the “Church of Christ” (actually a more ancient proper name than Catholic).
Do you have any evidence that The Catholic Church was called “Church of Christ” officially “before” the 2nd Century?

You say that it is a more ancient title, where?
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