I will not, but I will grant that you gave an A+ answer on my question.
Now put your money where your mouth is.
You asked. I said I want you to follow through with your first assertion.
So you won’t retract your assertion even though you said you would. I can understand how someone like me would make you comfortable. How can anyone who actually knows what the Church teaches…today…reject it? Very disturbing for those who think faith is essentially reasonable.
cracks knuckles…time to build a case and then tear it down.
Thesis: Catholicism is the most well defined "religion"
When we try to define Catholicism, we can ask ourselves: “What
is a Catholic?”
First, who gets to answer that question? Who has the ability or right to say? Is it the pope? Which one? All of them? Is it people who claim Catholicism as an identity? Is it official ecumenical councils? Is it scripture? Is it tradition? Who gets to say?
For the purpose of this discussion, I will allege that all of the aforementioned entities have a partial ability and/or right to answer the question “What is a Catholic?”
This acknowledged, there is abundant documentation in answer to this question. A brief summary:
The New Testament
The writings of the Greek fathers
The writings of saints
Conciliar documents
Papal bulls, exhortations, declarations, etc.
Canon law
Various liturgies
Various catechisms
Various sacramental manuals
Various documents adopted by local episcopal councils
Various private revelations
In total, the body of documentation is astounding. It amounts to hundreds of thousands of pages of dense text, answering in an oblique way “What is a Catholic?”
The attempt at a precise answer to that question has been painstaking. It has taken thousands of years and involved bloodshed, torture, imprisonment, war, the collapse and rise of empires, and billions of contradictory opinions to reach this point, and they’re not even done yet! Surely it must be the most well-defined religion, with all those specific dogmas.
Anti-thesis: The clarity or unity is illusory
There is a parallel here in human history: Judaism. There are also hundreds of thousands of pages written by Jews in an attempt to answer the question, “What is a Jew?” And yet, the joke goes, “Two Jews, Three Opinions.” Why is this so? What is the difference between the painstaking documentation of both religions that leads a claim of “perfect unchanging clarity” by (some) Catholics, and an admittance of doubt and ignorance by Jews?
I allege that though unity is sought by Catholics, and even proclaimed by individual believers, the unity is largely illusory and a product of the individual Catholic’s own projection. Within the body of documentation, contradictions abound! How to reconcile this? The Catholics with the clearest idea of themselves are those who have mentally excluded the most people from the identifier “Catholic.” The problem is, this ideology is a close cousin of hate, because to not be a Catholic, even merely implicitly, is to be one who is doomed to eternal torture. It isn’t OK to be different. It isn’t OK to not believe. Everyone has to be a Catholic. No, and not like
those people, but like
us. We’re the
real Catholics, see, the documents say so. And, if you’re not like us, well then you’re at serious risk of being despised by God!
Could there be a more hateful ideology? “You have to be like me, just like me. You have to think like me, just like me. If you don’t, well, then either you’re
invincibly ignorant or God despises you, and you must despise God too! No, you can’t possibly love God or be a good person unless you’re just like me and think just like I do. Here, read these documents, they say so, and they’re always right, just like me!”
This isn’t a childish, tantrum inducing hate. This is a cool, calm, and collected hate. A systemic hate that simultaneously builds the Catholic’s ego into a towering edifice, 2,000 years old, founded by God himself, etc while smashing all of humanity into nothingness. Original sinners. Chaff. Ultimately and only valuable to God if they convert one way or the other, explicitly or implicitly.
Deep within Catholicism is a hatred of humanity, and a desire to obliterate it. Most Catholics are not self-conscious of this of course. Catholics aren’t monsters or psychopaths. If they knew what they were doing, they’d stop! Indeed, as the consciousness awakes to the hatred, the believer drifts away from rigid dogmatism. We see this with “liberal” sisters who spend all of their time helping the poor. And, I argue, we see this with Pope Francis. He is
not a hater. He is not a rigid dogmatist. He calls all of humanity “God’s children.” Is he a Catholic?