The dilemma of suffering

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bahman
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Hello Bahman.

No, as I said before. After death the soul can no longer make any choices. At the time of death the soul is judged upon the choices they made during life and they are given either Heaven, Hell or Purgatory. The lack of understanding you have of the fundamentals of our faith is part of the reason you cannot come to a logical conclusion. Your looking at the picture in pieces and some of your pieces are missing and some are from an entirely different picture and will never fit in the frame.

How couldn’t we have choices if we are conscious?
You just give them the memory of what they are supposed to have in their life.
What are they supposed to have in life? Should everyone be created with the virtues infused in them? They are created with memories of learning temperance and justice and other virtues?
They only experience life after death.


I think it is an interesting assertion. My main issue with it is that it seems somewhat irrational. All our knowledge of the universe is based on the assumption that things can be deduced from what we see. I have gotten in arguments with some fundamentalist Christians who are young earth creationists. When it was brought up that science shows that the earth is older than 6500 years old they argued that maybe God made it appear that way to test our faith. The problem is that it is irrational. A false perception of reality is created in order to deceive humanity. it is the same as if God were to create each man with the memory of learning virtue, without them actually having done it. Either way you are being deceived.
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