Hi Giovanni,
Great question, great thread, great participants, and friendly tone. Cool!
Here is a third response:
- If Adam and Eve truly preferred themselves to God, they did so in blindness and/or ignorance. If we take the story literally, they were not ignorant, but if they were truly human, they could have easily been blinded by desire for the fruit. They saw that it was “good to eat” and by nature when we desire something, our value of it can override our value of anything else.
To me, the story is best viewed as an allegory of the formation of the human conscience. All of the elements of conscience are there, knowledge of good vs evil (our internal rulebooks), suspicion, shame, condemnation, punishment, etc. In the broadest sense, these are all aspects of the conscience, which is a specifically human trait, at least in the advanced form we have. The “gods” hesitance toward giving man the conscience demonstrates our own love/hate relationship with our own consciences. The conscience is our behavioral guide, but since our drive to punish often gets out of hand, we have a lot of problems. This is a bit of a simplistic explanation, but it is how I make the most sense out of the story.
Did God plan for Adam to fall? If Adam “fell”, then I look at it as God wanting to create an autonomous species (unlike the rest of the critters) and He knew that man would disobey Him. The part about man being “stained” by this in some way, (as punishment for him and his offspring) as well as the introduction of death makes little sense to me, and presents an image of a God who “gives and takes away” which to me is a bit of a ding on the benevolence aspect. Those punishments, along with increased pain in childbirth, for me make the story more of one to be read allegorically.
Note: What I wrote there is highly speculative, not doctrinal. The CCC version is a default, and is functional, even though it does present some contradictions.