Fine example except for one thing: You did not have omniscient and infallible knowledge of future events when you created that child. The Christian God did.I think of it like this: Say you are a Judge and you have a child. As that child grows you are loving, kind, forgiving and teach that child right from wrong. You do everything you can to help that child lead a healthy, moral and responsible life, but inspite of your best efforts they rebel. They lie, and you forgive them, they cheat, and you forgive them, they continue on in life committing worse and worse crimes. They even turn their back on you, cutting off all ties. They have nothing but disdain for you. Finally they are a fully fledged adult and they are a thief, a rapist and a murderer. They are brought to your courtroom and it is found that they are unquestionable guilty of all charges. You are their judge and you still love them. What do you do? And whose fault is it that your child is in this situation, yours or theirs?