There is always a choice.So, we choose hell after being created by an omniscient and immutable creator? Doesn’t sound like there was much of a choice there.
Everyday we make choices in the life we live. We can choose to sin or not to sin but it isn’t just a matter of us sinning because we are all sinners and every day we make the choice between right and wrong, selfless or selfish, God or the devil. God knows our weaknesses and he knows we are sinners and will fail in our choices at times. There will be times when we choose sin over God.
There is a point in all of this that you are missing. God the Father sent his son Jesus to Earth to take the punishment for that sin and He gave us His Word and built a Church to lead us and guide us and give us the strength to choose right and to give us knowledge about what is right. It isn’t like he just put us here, said here you are, choose heaven or hell and then deserted us. He is always with us, loving us, calling us, speaking to our hearts, encouraging us to choose right and when we fail in our choices and sin he made the way for us to reconcile: His Church and the Sacraments, especially the beautiful Sacrament of Reconciliation.
There is always a choice. Every day you and all of us make choices. The ultimate choice though, is whether we accept the love of God or not, whether we walk away from the love and redemption God offers or accept His gift.
God bless.