Neither am I, oldcelt. And I understand where you are coming from. I mean it. I was tormented by the questions and ended up reasoning to myself with secular information until I finally ‘fit’ all the pieces of the puzzle. I picked the convenient answer and I thought I was at peace after that. I wasn’t.
Until I try to remember that I am merely a human being while God is a mystery Himself. We cannot explain God in any other way, unless He choose to reveal Himself which He did many times.
This was where I used to be adamant about too, because I wanted to rely only on my own intellectual capabilities before deciding to trust Him.
Where were we when God laid the foundations of the earth? Have all aspects & areas of science finally came up with an unified conclusion that billions of galaxies do truly exist, how & why did it really came about as a fact, instead of some theory? If man cannot find definite answers to such phenomena in his own realm which can be seen, apart from relying on educated guesses, how could we explain God when He is unseen?
Can you find a ‘simple’ answer when he fed thousands with a few loaves of bread and fishes, or when he raised the dead, turned water into wine, the crippled were healed, the demons were cast out of the possessed? Neither science nor reason have answers to those either because science and human reasoning belongs to the realm of man and not the Divine.
If we can prove everything about God so easily, especially the mysteries which the Church declared, then God won’t be omnipotent and boundless but merely some alien. That, or we are on the same level as God.
Or are we choosing a convenient answer & falsely calls it a simple answer because we wilfully rejected God & His ways, when we do not have answers due to our limited intelligence being nothing as compared to the Divine?