Sometimes we hear unbelievers say they cannot respect the idea of a God who would prepare for us a place of everlasting suffering. Such a God is petty and vindictive. How would you answer this critique of the Christian hell?
Hi Charlemagne.
Are you still confused? I read a few pages of this thread, but I did not see anything about hell possibly being more of a bootcamp, or the other possibility that hell, as a suffering, is simple the state of being without God. And, if there is such a state, is it even a state of existence?
For lack of scientific control, we cannot test what it is like to be without God, as God is within everyone (my observation, of course

) Because of free will, we have to remain open to the possibility that a person could
choose such non-existence or state-of-being-without God.
So, how would I answer this critique of hell? A priest once told us, “if a nonbeliever sees Christ(God) as vindictive or unmerciful, that person is better off rejecting such a god.” This same priest opined: “If anyone actually goes to hell, they would only do so screaming and kicking against God the whole way.”
I heartily agree with the above statements I quoted. I would tell the person, “If you see God as petty and vindictive, by all means reject the image and go with your gut. God is Love. If you hear something about God that does not sound like Love, then it is not God, and there is more to know about this. There is more to know than what you hear from some televangelists.”
Have a great day, Charlemagne!