The Fear of Hell

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See #572.
I don’t know what your answer is.

“Is atheism true” is pretty simple. Either you believe it is. Or you believe it’s not. Or you’re not sure.

What is your answer?

I don’t know
All are permissible answers.
In what will seem like an ignostic (not to be confused as a misspelling of agnostic) stance I’m taking a position that you may find disagreeable. Unless there is agreement on the attribute associated with God then an existent god-concept to one person is a non-existent god-concept to another. To others it may be something seen as something that exists but not worthy of being called god (ex:entirety of the universe to a panentheist). This being a catholic forum with many other christians I’ve ignored the other god-concepts for that question and referred direct to Yahweh and made a statement on my level of conviction on Yahweh’s existence.
Did anyone start a thread on a there being a pasta god?
I don’t think anyone here has ever seriously asserted FSM. I never saw such a thread created.
We could back into an answer by taking all the possible gods, eliminating them one by one, so that we are left with the True God, the alpha and omega. 😉
I’m not sure what type of discussion that would be. If you think that there exists an entity with a set of attributes that you find meaningful that’s totally fine with me so long as its not negatively impacting me or others. I could tell you my reaction to hearing of such an entity. But I am generally not interested in proving or disproving it.

Pardon my mistakes. Sent from a mobile device.
It’s no evasion. You’ve been a participant in one of the threads in which that was questioned and explained. ( ). You’ve also been a participant in which my disposition was stated ( though it didn’t fit the categories you had in mind.
Still evading. You were asked a simple question in this thread and you send people to other threads looking for your position when you could answer it so easily here in one or two sentences.

Question: Are you an atheist?

Answer: Circle one: Yes No

Sending people to other threads for the answer is hardly a polite answer. 🤷
It’s been answered multiple times before. If you are curious about my personal disposition I’l refer you to one of many of the threads in which it’s been indicated.
Would you remind us about your main objection to the Christian God? You probably think the hardware is too hard… 😉
Would you remind us about your main objection to the Christian God?
Objection would be applicable to a position of opposition. As indicated in #582 if you’ve got a god-concept that you assert that’s fine by me. I am not opposed to that so long as it’s not negatively impacting me. While I am not necessarily opposed to the god-concepts that others may have to present I haven’t yet been convinced by them either. A lot of people I know are Christians, and they have their various Christian god-concepts that they assert. They know that don’t, but that doesn’t seem to be unimportant in our interactions.
Objection would be applicable to a position of opposition. As indicated in #582 if you’ve got a god-concept that you assert that’s fine by me. I am not opposed to that so long as it’s not negatively impacting me. While I am not necessarily opposed to the god-concepts that others may have to present I haven’t yet been convinced by them either. A lot of people I know are Christians, and they have their various Christian god-concepts that they assert. They know that don’t, but that doesn’t seem to be unimportant in our interactions.
As Sartre pointed out, it impossible to be uncommitted. In practice we either live as if God exists or we don’t. To ignore amounts to reject…
As Sartre pointed out, it impossible to be uncommitted.
No its not. I am not committed to my current position.
In practice we either live as if God exists or we don’t. To ignore amounts to reject…
Well let’s see, earlier I made it known I haven’t yet been convinced of the god-concepts (inclusive of Christian god-concepts often given the name Yahweh) that people have presented to me. If you believe that I also behave as though I am not convinced I would agree. Though in day to day interactions the differences in behaviour are probably only detectable in nuances here in there (if detectable at all).
Which is that atheism is true?
Based on your previous word usage I think you are trying to cast me as a strong atheist. Not sure why. That position doesn’t fit anything I have ever said about myself here.
Based on your previous word usage I think you are trying to cast me as a strong atheist. Not sure why. That position doesn’t fit anything I have ever said about myself here.
I am not trying to cast you as a strong atheist.

I am simply asking: what is your answer to this question: is atheism true?

What is your answer to that question?
As Sartre pointed out, it impossible to be uncommitted. In practice we either live as if God exists or we don’t. To ignore amounts to reject…

Pascal says this:

“Surely then it is a great evil to be in doubt; but it is at least an indispensable duty to seek when we are in such doubt; and thus the doubter who does not seek is altogether completely happy and completely wrong. And if besides this he is easy and content, professes to be so, and indeed boasts of it; if it is this state itself which is the subject of his joy and vanity, I have no words to describe so silly a creature.”

I wonder if you might define “atheism” as you are using the term in your question?
re: “Atheism is that which responds ‘no’ to the question, ‘Does God exist?’”

That would be “strong” atheism. Weak atheism says that there is no belief - conviction - one way or the other with regard to a supreme being.
re: “Atheism is that which responds ‘no’ to the question, ‘Does God exist?’”

That would be “strong” atheism. Weak atheism says that there is no belief - conviction - one way or the other with regard to a supreme being.
Weak atheism = agnosticism.
re: “Atheism is that which responds ‘no’ to the question, ‘Does God exist?’”

That would be “strong” atheism. Weak atheism says that there is no belief - conviction - one way or the other with regard to a supreme being.
Incidentally, rstrats, would you mind learning how to use the “QUOTE” feature? It makes dialogue a lot easier here on the forum.

There’s lots of threads that detail how to do this.
re: “Weak atheism = agnosticism.”

Indeed it does. But it also means without theism - hence a-theism.

re: “Incidentally, rstrats, would you mind learning how to use the ‘QUOTE’ feature?”

Actually, I would. I prefer the way I’ve always done it.
Sometimes we hear unbelievers say they cannot respect the idea of a God who would prepare for us a place of everlasting suffering. Such a God is petty and vindictive. How would you answer this critique of the Christian hell? :confused:
Hi Charlemagne.🙂

Are you still confused? I read a few pages of this thread, but I did not see anything about hell possibly being more of a bootcamp, or the other possibility that hell, as a suffering, is simple the state of being without God. And, if there is such a state, is it even a state of existence?

For lack of scientific control, we cannot test what it is like to be without God, as God is within everyone (my observation, of course:)) Because of free will, we have to remain open to the possibility that a person could choose such non-existence or state-of-being-without God.

So, how would I answer this critique of hell? A priest once told us, “if a nonbeliever sees Christ(God) as vindictive or unmerciful, that person is better off rejecting such a god.” This same priest opined: “If anyone actually goes to hell, they would only do so screaming and kicking against God the whole way.”

I heartily agree with the above statements I quoted. I would tell the person, “If you see God as petty and vindictive, by all means reject the image and go with your gut. God is Love. If you hear something about God that does not sound like Love, then it is not God, and there is more to know about this. There is more to know than what you hear from some televangelists.”

Have a great day, Charlemagne!🙂
So, how would I answer this critique of hell? A priest once told us, “if a nonbeliever sees Christ(God) as vindictive or unmerciful, that person is better off rejecting such a god.”

I like to tell atheists: I reject the same god you do.
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