It would be very odd if only good people had children. In fact it would cast doubt on whether we have free will at all.
It is also simplistic to classify everyone as good or evil. How does one determine whether a person is sufficiently evil not to be allowed to exist?
No-one said that only good people should have children. But you said that the reason God does not ‘disallow’ someone to exist is because it would deprive their descendants of a life. That is obviously wrong because God knows that someone - like Bryant, would have no descendants. And in fact, by allowing him his life, It means that 35 others are cut short and countless of their descendants deprived of the opportunity of life.
And this is not a question of us determining who should exist or not. It’s God’s call. And whatever God’s reason was for allowing Bryant to exist, it wasn’t to protect his progeny.
Only God knows how many descendants people would have and how many of them would commit atrocities.
Exactly. So if Bryant has none, and will never have any, then there has to be another reason for allowing him to exist other than giving his dependents an opportunity for life. QED.
How many Bryants is Gandhi worth?
Hard to put a number on it, but very many indeed.
The question is addressed to a person who doesn’t believe in God and has no rational basis for belief in equality.
You must be confusing me with someone who thinks that we are all born equal. Which is an odd notion, to put it mildly. We are all slaves to our genetic inheritance. I guess we all have a limited opportunity to make the best of the cards that are dealt, but no, we are not all born equally.
However, the very concept of justice demands that we should be treated equally.
Can you give me an example of things in the present that are so difficult to believe?
Global warming? Evolution?
IJust think, if Fr. Groeschel’s idea is the truth, then this existence is so horrid and ugly that God needs to wipe our memories for us to be able to cope!
Good point (and you’ve made a few). That scenario is nothing short of horrifying. Not that I believe it’s credible in any way. Imagine me asking PR if she was worried about her children going to hell and she responded: ‘Not really, because if they do end up there, God will make me forget about them, so I’ll be fine’.
No way, PR. No way. And you don’t have to be in heaven to think about people you know who have died.
But then again, what you imagine it to be and the people you might think deserve it are surely different to everyone else’s idea.
We have descriptions of it from simply being a separation from God and non existence all the way through to Dante’s version complete with flames and pitchfork wielding demons. But I’ll tell you what. Nobody believes it be be eternal torment. Anyone who suggests that eternal torment is acceptable for anyone, even with the usual cop out of ‘well, they chose it themselves’ is either not being honest with themselves or is a borderline psychopath.
And there’s one easy way to find out.
Here’s a torture chamber. It has in it the worst devices you can possibly imagine for causing the worst possible pain. Pick someone that you think deserves to be in there for a year, being tortured constantly, hour after hour with no respite. Anyone from history will do or just make up someone and their crimes.
Now imagine that everyone you know, your partner, your kids, your parents, your friends…if they do something that God finds abhorrent, then in they go as well. Tell me that you’d not be rigid with fear every second of every day for the rest of your life.
In fact, I think it’s safe to say that you would quite literally go mad in a very short time.