Justice means giving people what they are due. And if people are not equal (your claim, not mine, nor any Christian’s), then they don’t deserve to be treated equally.
Being equal means being the same. Having equal worth. One not being better or worse than the other. On any criteria you’d like to mention, one person will be better than the other. And that irrespective of your definition of ‘better’, even if it’s entirely subjective.
We all have the ability to improve the hand we are dealt, but that simply means becoming better than someone who doesn’t make the effort. And even if you don’t succeed, surely the person who tries is the better person?
Being treated equally has to be enshrined in the law because we know that the drug dealing, wife beating racist isn’t equal to the charity worker but justice demands that they both be treated equally. Even past criminal records are not admissible in court because of this.
The point of the possibility of “erased memories” is that someone posited that we can’t be truly happy in heaven if we’re aware of loved ones who are in hell.
Therefore, perhaps, as Fr. Groeschel suggests, we simply forget that we ever knew our loved one who is in hell.
This leads to all sorts of bizarre scenarios. Do you only remember those who didn’t go to hell? Do other people remember them? If you’re in heaven and you remember you had two children, how could you be sure of that? If someone you know dies, would you prefer not to know if they went to heaven?
In fact, you’d have to not know if anyone was in hell. I don’t care how little you knew them, or even if you didn’t know them at all, I propose that if you knew someone was being tormented every second of every hour of every day for year upon year you would not be able to function normally.
The thing is, treating hell as being apart from God or simple non-existence works perfectly well for those who believe in God and are looking forward to heaven. But…it ain’t going to work for those who don’t believe in God or heaven and entirely accept that they will cease to exist when the time comes.
They don’t believe in the carrot and the stick holds no fear. So you need a bigger stick. The thing is, it got so big as to be a risible concept.
And no-one want to suggest someone deserving of torment for eternity? Real or fictitious, I don’t mind. I mean, there must be someone down there. Who do you think it is?