As I awoke I thought of the most basic and simple way I can think of to express the issue here.
- Eternal torment is contingent upon sin
- Sin is contingent upon human choice
- Human choice is contingent upon existence
- Existence is solely the continuous work of God
Therefore, at bottom,
God is morally responsible for the infinite evil of hell. Hell is infinitely evil because no “greater good” emerges from it which would balance unending torment.
What does the RCC say is necessary for a mortal sin? 1) Grave matter 2) Full knowledge 3) Sufficient Freedom
- Eternal torment is most certainly a grave evil
- God is omniscient, so has full knowledge of the souls in hell at all times (the “eternal now”)
- God is omnipotent and thus has complete freedom in a way far surpassing any human being, and could have chosen not to call into existence those who are in hell
God must, therefore, be at least significantly responsible for the unspeakable horror of eternal hell, given the RCC’s account of morality/metaphysics. This makes God seem like a morally evil monster, but that is impossible, therefore something about either hell or God must be fundamentally untrue. Atheists say that God’s existence is the untruth. I assert that hell’s
eternity is untrue. If hell were proportional, retributive, or restorative, it would be just. Eternal torment can never be just, in my opinion.
We don’t have to “throw out the baby with the bath water.” Hell can still be a horrific place of temporary, proportional punishment in retribution for our sins and willful rejection of God’s mercy. He can torment us and then annihilate us (if we truly hate him and want nothing to do with him) while the blessed victims of our sins cheer and cry tears of joy. We can keep our absolute, divine morality. We can keep our free will. But, this alternative won’t make everyone think that God is unspeakably evil.
Prove me wrong. There have been no successful attempts here, to my understanding. Maybe I’m just a bit slow, or willfully ignorant. To my mind, all that has been done here is the proposal of various kinds of heresies or totally unwarranted beliefs to avoid the central issue. I suppose I’m among like-minds in that sense.
Tonyrey, I think you have tried to suggest that hell maybe isn’t so bad afterall, so no issue. I disagree, and I suppose it can’t be proven either way.
PRMerger, you seem to think hardly anyone goes to hell anyway, so no issue. I disagree, and I suppose it can’t be proven either way.
Further, I am by no means a fundamentalist regarding scripture. I do not believe God actually killed everyone on the earth in a flood, or ordered the slaughter of an entire race of people. But, I do believe that the scriptures are meant to tell us, in an indirect way, about the nature of God. I believe that the God of the bible would have no qualms about utterly annihilating his sworn enemies, and I believe he does just that, when all is said and done.
And, punishment is most assuredly still just even in the case of ignorance. People punish children and “sorry judge, I didn’t know the law” is no excuse. You may get a lighter sentence if the court cannot prove “Mens Rea” but you will still be justly punished for breaking the law and/or harming others.